snow shovelling for back patients

Great article from on safe snow shovelling. It goes down further on the page then it appears at first, so scroll down:

I found it helpful & learned some things, so I thought you all might. I also go out every few hours during snows, even during the night, to clean off the car & back it in & out a few times. It’s a pain but I can’t risk having to do a big shovel & get further hurt.

I do the same thing, alittle at a time. the more it piles up the harder it is to shovel. we are supposed to get 12+ this weekend…:frowning:

Thanks for the info.

I was having lots of problems with my hip and upper thigh. Pretty sure from pelvic imbalance from the way I am walking. We were forecasted 18 inches of snow over 4-5 days by one very emotive local weatherman. NOOOO. I finally broke down and got a snowblower. It has worked perfectly…in that it is still in the box:winkgrin:. The 18 inches forecast shrunk to about 6 inches over 3 days actual. The melt was on the day the snowblower arrived and we have had no snow since. I am really glad…we have had over 2 inches of rain so I am glad it has been in liquid form. now I am set for next winter;).

Snow shoveling is very daunting when you have physical issues that make it difficult.

Again thanks for the I info.


ergonomic shovel
ergonomic shovel
ergonomic shovel

oh, it says that. :slight_smile:

I guess I should be happy that here in western WA we’ve had a mild winter with only two snow events, and one we only had the snow for a day. Much as I love snow shoveling it isn’t a good thing any more.

Ergonomic snow shovel.

It’s the only type I’ve used for a couple of decades. I’m in Maine…

Snow shoveling doesn’t hurt my back, but it kills the knee I dislocated 7 years ago. I don’t understand how one can not twist to fling the snow out of the way. Lifting it and trying to wade through a waist-deep snow bank to put it down gently out of the just doesn’t seem reasonable to me.

“how one can not twist to fling the snow out of the way”

Alas, d.d., if I dared twist or fling, I’d probably be in surgery soon thereafter. As for not reasonable, the way I have to move, do the simple tasks of everyday living and live my life not is not reasonable, but here I am. Sigh.

Are there any ergonomic snow shovels with really small scoops? The snow shovel I use now is plastic, very lightweight and has a scoop area that is 9" x 12". I can only physically handle putting a tiny amount of snow on it each time I scoop, too. I have not been able to find one of the lightweight and the size I use now that has the ergonomic handle.