So busy and hate to wine:-)

Went to driving show at Advanced level in Sept, then off to the WEG to watch the driving and one of my favorite drivers Josh Rector who navigated for me at 2 world championships where I got Gold and Bronze and team silver. Funny to think here is this really great young man who braided my horse, cleaned his stall etc. And yet was competing with the elite at the WEG!!! Horses are a great equalizer.
The WEG was great BTW but don’t get me on the subject of accesible shuttles in the park… It was great that I know many officials and got an FEI steward to loan me his golf cart for part of marathon day!!!

Wed. I’m off to a show in Arizona to compete Adv. Single with Rupert.

I’m tired haven’t even driven my horse since I’ve been back , luckily he is fit already… My legs haven’t even gotten back to normal size after many hours on plane and 4 days of sitting in chair. I’m not complainig other then a shot of bourban in the stands would have been nice!!

I heard somewhere. And it fits my thoughts exactly…

“when you have lived one day as me then you have the right to complain”

Diane Kastama


:winkgrin:I love to “wine”, but I hate to “whine”.

Oh I always Wine:-)

Anyways had a great show, switched my horse to a sweet COB 1 month prior to the show to get more energy and boy did I have energy:-)

Here are some picx.
