But is there a way to actually search now? I’m pretty darned technical and I can’t find it
I think they pulled the search feature for now until the launch bugs are sorted out!
Ahh thank you! I was trying to avoid getting the “just use the search feature” smackdown if I could…but it being gone makes it a bit tricky
Current known issues (including the search ones) are listed at the top of trubandloki’s feedback thread and also copied into the FAQ thread
Thanks Simkie. I looked at the FAQ thread, but missed that the search feature was gone completely. I did see that the Google links were broken.
I’m almost positive Search should be back tomorrow!
Thanks Mod! I wasn’t trying to beat anyone up - I just have been around COTH long enough to know that “SEARCHING FOR IT” is the first thing one should do when considering posting! I have empathy, as a developer - this stuff is hard!