So pleased with Harry

My daughter had a picnic at her house/the barn yesterday. Harry was the entertainment, giving pony rides.

I am so encouraged by his behavior. He’s not used to kids at all; he’s led a very quiet life at home with adults. We were pretty sure he’d be fine or we would have never even considered it.

8-10 kids crowding around him, in and out of his stall; ranging in age from 2 to 12.

He never batted an eye, took a misstep, twitched an ear or swished his tail. I couldn’t be more proud of him. It was a huge step for me to see this; really inspires me to have more confidence in him.

After the pony rides, I was asked to give a demonstration ride. NERVOUS!!! But he did fine, I did fine. I think yesterday was a turning point for me with my show nerves. It was never about showing; it was always about trust and confidence.

Anyone know how to add photos from Flickr?