Something is up with my knee

I’ve been having intermittent pain and the feeling that things are not in the right place in my knee. A few days ago, I went to an orthopedic doctor. He said I had a touch of arthritis, gave me a cortizone shot and sent me on my way. He said to stay as active as possible to keep the blood circulating. Today, it’s rather puffy and pissed off. I can barely walk no less exercise it. Has anyone been in this spot and can tell me how to proceed? Is it just a matter of icing it until things calm down and the shot takes affect or is there more I should be doing?

Have you had an MRI of your knee? Perhaps you have a strained or even torn ligament?

Did you let the Dr know is irritated?

Some years ago, I had my knee injected and didn’t even know it and never had any problems from it at all.

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It finally calmed down yesterday, so I guess it was just a bit of a reaction to the injection. He didn’t do an MRI. He seemed very certain my issue stemmed from mild arthritis.

Dumb question. I have the arthritis in both knees. In both cases, it’s just a touch of it on the inside of each knee. Since I associate everything with horses, I wondered if it was ultimately due to a long term imbalance in the way I walk. I have high arches and can never find shoes with enough support. If I were a horse, I would just trim the inner walls of my hooves differently. Since I’m a human, is there a certain type of sneaker I should be wearing going forward?

This is the first time I’ve looked at this part of the discussion forums. I had surgery for a torn ACL in my knee 4 weeks ago. As I am older, I assumed my knee pain was probably arthritis . In fact, when I saw my rheumatologist for my knee pain, she asked if I wanted to try an injection ( I am also a doc). Fortunately before we did anything we got knee films which showed that I had only very minor arthritic changes, so we decided to check an MRI to see if something else was going on. Surprise! I had a full thickness tear in my ACL, a tear in my lateral meniscus root, a PCL partial tear and my pain was not due to arthritis and was something that required and would respond swell to surgery. So if you did not have knee xryas to confirm your arthritis, I would get these. And if you do not have at last moderate arthritis by xray to explain your pain, I would discuss whether or not you should have an MRI with your doctor. If you have soft tissue damage like a ligament tear in your knee and you do not have it repaired, you run the risk of developing accelerated arthritis, which increases the likelihood of needing a joint replacement. So please make sure you have your knee pain appropriately worked up.

The arthritis was diagnosed via xrays. It’s pretty much calmed down. I just started building up the leg muscles today with a short bike ride.

GO to physical therapy for an exercise program that targets the proper muscles (ALL of them) and do the exercises religiously. For the rest of your life. And if you are even slightly overweight, losing weight will help. Knees are terribly designed, and need TLC and attention in order to be as pain free as possible (says one whose X-rays caused the orthopedic surgeon to say “we should do a knee replacement” but who is pain free 95% of the time).