Somewhere Inbetween... Fibro riders...

I will say that I have a case of chronic mono. First time was when I was 17. Now 10 years later it hits like clockwork around the end of February. Sick the first week, followed by the nasty sore throat. And I know its coming b/c I get a rash on my eyelids first. And I always blame it on Taco Bell or some sort of food poisoning first, until the sore throat hits. It’s never been strept throat. They always test and it comes back mono, but mono is always in my system, right? So I had a blood test last time, and it said I had a recent case (within the past week or so) of epstein bar virus. Not sure if that is correct, b/c my dr. might not know what he is talking about.

And I have had my share of head injuries when I was little. Ran into a swing set when i was in 2nd grade, and was knocked out for hours. Also hit my head on a windshield and was knocked out.

I was also reading about RSD. My symptoms seem to have gotten worse after I broke my leg 5 years ago. Something to mention to the dr. atleast. I had an MRI last year of my right knee b/c it was in so much pain they thought I tore something. Turns out I have a whole in my knee cap but that wasn’t the source of my pain.

I just wanted to let you guys know I just got back from the Mayo Clinic. I got diagnosed with Autonomic Dysfunction, major Iron Deficiency and Chronic Pain, due to my age they do not want it to be called “fibromyalgia” any more. This is after I’ve been to over 6 specialists and did countless tests for two years. I’m on a new work out program, new supplements and diet.

I’m so happy I went to Mayo, the doctors were so amazing. It was very organized and I didn’t even feel like I was in a hospital.

If any of you are considering it, I highly suggest going.[/QUOTE]

Interesting. I’ve been toying with going to the Mayo for about 6mos. I have a Dr. friend there who tells me to give her the word when I want it done. Just haven’t drummed up the courage, I guess.

Good to know it was worth it for you!

usually the Dr. prescribes a sleep aid, a muscle relaxant and an SSRI (usually an anti-depressant).

What helps me when my hands get stiff and don’t want to work is to run them under warm water.

Just checking in. More later when not in full flare and posting from iPhone in bed. Symptoms came on 4 weeks after emergency c-section birth of my daughter. Rheumy waste basked diagnosed me as fibro after a year (after 18 months of suffering/seeing PCP/specialists) by saying “here, take Lyrica. If it helps you probably have fibro.”. Spent another 9 months or year, most of 2011 surviving the year from hell, and last Thursday it all came crashing in on me.

Long story short… My PCP called and gave me my CT results (normal) and two choices: rheumatology appt or Lyrica rx. My therapist of all things even said I sounded like a fibro person the night before. Sent the trigger chart to my massage therapist and asked her opinion, open ended. Her response was I has pain every where, but especially at those locations. No running this time.

I was the therapeutic riding instructor this time last year. Now u am debating if I feel up to enrolling myself as a rider. I’m glad to have found the thread even though I am still wrappin my head around the idea of having a name for how bad I’ve felt for 3 years.

I am bringing this back (sorry) Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday. I also hope you are feeling well and getting to spend time with your horses!!!

I just wanted to share what has been going on with me. I did share earlier that I too have been diagnosed with Fibro. About 6 months ago or so I stopped eating ALL meat.

No beef, no chicken, no pork, no seafood - nothing. And within a month my joints stopped hurting. I still have some issues but I have improved SO much… I do daily stretching and I can get around pretty well most of the time. Changes in weather can kick my butt sometimes but feeling a lot better is amazing…

Thought I would share. It’s worth a try…

Mine started after my hysterectomy, some doctors theorize that major surgical events can trigger FM possibly from PTSD. I kind of wonder if anesthesia might also be a factor in causing the chemical changes in cerebro-spinal fluids.

Interesting. I certainly wasn’t planning on having a C-section, but there was no other option. In the grand scheme of things I have a beautiful daughter so I wouldn’t change a thing. She’s worth whatever price I had to pay to have her in my life. :yes:

I also have fibro. I epstein bar which is basically mono in remission. I take ambien for sleep and cymbalta. I didn’t realize how much the cymbalta was helping until I went off of it. If i have something I really want to do like a clinic I try to get my rest before and plan on a down day afterwards. I hate the unpredictability although that has improved as I have learned to listen to my body.

My biggest struggle is with the fact that I look normal and want to be treated that way but I tend to beat myself up and I hate depending on other people. It’s hard for other people to understand how I can go on a strenuous trail ride one day and another day have to bail. I struggle with not being able to do the things I want to.

When it comes to riding my main problem is energy. Transferring my energy to my horse is not possible on lower energy days. I do lots if walk work lateral work at the walk and flexing on those days. I rest when I need too. I find that stretching before riding helps a lot.

My riding goal this year is to take my mare to a rated dressage show. I am ok with slow and steady:)

Ps it us all worse when I am on my period, stressed, don’t get enough sleep and the pain is worse with damp cold. I also have that thing between my shoulders :slight_smile: i have a 6 yr old TB cross mare and a 9 yr old OTTB my 8 yr old son rides