Sonesta Farms, a dressage barn located at 17302 Swansbury Dr., Cypress, TX 77429, will host a benefit to raise funds for the well-known dressage clinician, Eddo Hoekstra, who recently suffered a paralyzing stroke that has left him without use of his left side. The stoke occurred just weeks after he became a first time father. The fund raiser will be held in two parts, with an open party on Saturday, October 27, 2012, and a dressage clinic on Sunday, October 28, 2012, to be taught by Sonesta Farm’s trainer, USDF Silver Medalist and British Horse Society Level II trainer, Andrea Seaman.

The party on October 27 will include a barbeque buffet, two live bands, swimming, hot tub, pony rides for kids, face painting, horseshoe pitching contest, a puppy kissing booth, Halloween costume contest for the kids and a raffle and silent auction. Internationally known equine photographer, Bob Langrish, who was recently honored by the Queen of England with the British title of MBE for his contributions to the art of equine photography, will be a special guest at the party.

The dressage clinic on Sunday, October 28 will consist of a riding lesson on your own horse to improve your dressage or just to improve your general riding abilities and will include a stall for your horse, a seminar on how to braid your own horse for shows, a video of your riding lesson, a nice lunch and a cocktail party afterwards during which Eddo will be contacted by telephone and put on speaker to visit with everyone.

Tickets to the Saturday party are $20 for adults and $10 for children between ages 8-13. Children under age 8 are free. Rides in the dressage Clinic are $100 each. Tickets for Saturday’s events and the Sunday riding clinic can be obtained by contacting Rebecca Pennington of Sonesta Farms at or by phoning her at (281) 373-0125.

If you cannot come to the benefit, but do want to help Eddo, here are two ways:

Order an Eddo Hoekstra T-shirt at It comes in black with white printing or red with black printing and contains one of Eddo’s best known quotes: “Control less. Create more.” All proceeds to Eddo. Go to


Make a tax deductible donation to the Leg-Up Equestrian Assistance Program and note that it is for Eddo. Go to for more details.

Thank you everyone!

There are now several high ticket items on which you can bid to help Eddo.

On COTH alone, we have the following:

A breeding to any of the stallions owned by Avalon Equine. You can bid on the thread at

A breeding to the Holsteiner Grand Prix show jumping stallion, Ralando II. More info at bidding on the thread at

A 2-3 night stay at a luxury guesthouse b&b in the gorgeous Texas Hill Country in Fredericksburg at Valentine Hill. Bidding for this great stay can be done online at or by PMing me here.

A one year membership to Jane Savoie’s online Dressage Mentor Program. You can bid on this membership at or by PMing me here.

An autographed 16x11 photo by the internationally acclaimed equine photogrpher, Bob Langrish. This photo was auctioned two years ago for $1200 for a big charity event. You can see the photo and bid on it on the thread at

And check back here soon, as I will be adding a 5 night stay at a condo in Wistler, British Columbia soon!

If you are in the Houston area, please join us this Saturday, October 27, 2012 for a fun party and fundraiser for Eddo.

Sonesta Farms
17302 Swansbury Dr.
Cypress, TX 77429

I’ll save you a margarita!