sore neck

My neck has been sore for four days. I’m not sure what set it off. I have been conscientious about my posture and am doing stretches. It is along the whole back of my neck on the right side. It hurts when I turn my head to the right but not to the left. I have been taking ibuprofen and using heat on it. But it still hurts. I may see if I can get in to see doctor tomorrow. Anyone else dealt with this before? The only time I feel OK is when I am sleeping.

Sounds like what I am dealing with way too often. I use Flector patches.

Is that a reoccurring problem, you had it before?
Are you sure it is a soft tissue problem?

I spent all afternoon yesterday in the ER courtesy of my heart playing tricks, again. Now waiting for more tests.
It starts with a kind of pain like you describe and at times it radiates over to the jaw and ear.
Since yours is not responding to medication, heath and so on, it may be more to it.
If yours is not just a pulled something in there, your doctor may want to check further.

I went to the chiropractor weekly all summer for a stiff neck. Better now but not perfect. She says probably arthritis.

Well it is now better (on its own). continuing to do some exercises and stretches for it. Growing old isn’t for sissies.

Wonderful, always thankful for little favors, like a pain in the neck leaving.

Physio is the thing that has worked best for my neck (previous whiplash injury that likes to act up). I found I had a more lasting effect from physio then from chiro, but YMMV.