Sorrel Mare QH ~20yrs MS

So if you saw my thread about her colt, this is the mare. She’d be about 20 now and I guess she was about 15 hands high. Pretty dark chestnut mare, used to gleam red-gold in the sunlight. Only white she had was a small, triangular shaped star in the middle of her forehead. Always reminded me of the Star Trek symbol. She also had a scar on top of her withers her previous owners said came when she tried to go under a fence board or something to that effect. On her left side, there’s a dent in her neck from where another horse bit a chunk out of her. She’s had at least one foal.

We bought her from some people in Yazoo City, MS. They called her Miss Anne, we just called her Anne. We had her in Vicksburg, MS. My dad told me he ended up selling her (sigh) to his uncle who was also up toward Yazoo City. The uncle died and I never found out what happened to the horse.

I’ve got pictures I can dig up when I get home. I’d just like to try to find out what happened to her, if I could.

Never did find the pictures till the other day but here they are:

Also, I did ask my dad if he knew anything while I was at home for Christmas and all he could tell me was his uncle (Ernest Lee) sold her on to his brother before he died.