Reading the thread about costumes for horses brought back so many memories of the “just for fun” horse show classes I used to enter with my horse.
Costume was one of them, of course, but there were many others.
My favorites were:
Water glass-ride at called for gait while holding a cup of water in one hand. Winner was rider with most water left at end!
Egg and spoon-same idea but holding an egg on a spoon in one hand. Last rider with their egg wins!
Break and Out-ride at called for gait and transitions had to be immediate. My horse rocked this class!
Fun classes weren’t limited to just barn play days either, they were offered at most shows in the area. They weren’t point earners at the local saddle club shows but they did award ribbons for them(and a bit of money at the fair, lol!) so if you were having an off day in the regular classes there was always a chance to not go home empty handed by entering a fun class or two!
So what were/are your favorites? What is the funniest one you’ve ever seen? Do/did you have a horse that excelled at a fun class?