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Source for monoject non-lubricated needles

May be niche but has anyone been able to find monoject’s non-lubricated needles anywhere? I had a stash from my sports medicine vet but now we can’t find more in stock anywhere, our regular vet took a look as well. My mare is pretty allergic to the silicone coating on normal hypo neeles so it’d be nice not to have to deal with the softball lumps multiple times a year when she needs vaccines.

I can’t help you find the needles, but I can tell you that wiping the (regular) needle off with an alcohol swab before putting it in the horse usually removes the coating enough to prevent the issue.


Your friend who is a nurse.

Really? Because I can’t find them at all - it also feels kind of weird to order something I need to be sterile from Amazon which is rife with knockoff products.

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Have you tried your local pharmacy?
It seems like that would be something they would carry, since silicone allergies exist in people.
Bring a photo of you with your horse. They act leery when people want needles but once I explained why they understood (I needed a gauge not sold in the feed store).

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Air-Tite has 19 ga silicone-free hypodermic needles.



Thank you! I forwarded the link to my vet to order a box or two for me

PSA - I had a horse highly allergic to the silicon and alcohol was not enough. Had to jump through hoops w USEF to get an exception when being pulled for drug testing at shows that required they use my sealed silicon free needles. I now understand they now require the vets doing testing to have them as this is more common than you would think. any reaction can be severe and not worth the risk of just rubbing off w alcohol.


Reanimating this thread— I’m a veterinarian and did horse work for quite a few years, and had never heard of horses with silicone allergy until my own!
If anyone else has sources to order needles, would love to hear about it. For those looking, I understand Webster drug supply can get them for veterinarians you have an account.

We ordered Air Tite’s N19112NS in 19g 1.5" with the no silicone option, from the link @Ghazzu provided. They are a complete pain for IV but my mare doesn’t have giant lumps after injections, so I’ll take it.