I’ve done a search but really would like some suggestions for this specific issue.
One of my horses came to me a “hesitant” loader, but the skilled shippers were able to get him on especially when there were other horses.
My issue is I have a straight load with a ramp, and have been practicing loading with everyone. I have done this by feeding them on the trailer, with the hesitant ones practicing lots of on and off. This means things like front feet on, ask to back off. Load all the way, ask to back off halfway and reload. Etc. Usually I get them to the point they’d rather just hang out and eat, I close them up and let them chill.
This guy though, he will get on for the first once or twice, but then he decides that the task is over. Self-loading attempts have proved to blow his mind. Previously, he was happy to hang out on the trailer with it open, but the first time I closed the butt bar he sat down HARD and ripped it out of the wall. Now, he won’t stay on long enough for me to put up the bar even if I run a lunge out the door and ask him to stand. He flies backwards.
Anywhere else he stands and comes off the pressure fine. To me it seems like I may have accidentally taught him that he doesn’t have to stay on the trailer. Escalating the ask (NH style “work him outside the trailer”) just makes him panicky. I’ve looked at a million trailer loading videos and training methods, but very few seem to address the horse that gets on but won’t stay on.
I really think he has the idea that he’s not required or being asked to stay on, just to GET on. I’d love ideas or links/suggestions on how to address this. Ultimately I want him to self load but unless it can be taught quickly (I have tried), regular loading is fine for now as I have a vet and farrier appointment to take him to. Please be kind, I’m trying my best here!