Is there such a thing? My mare has some scar tissue and my vets are recommending either cutting out a large chunk of pad or finding/making a saddle pad that can achieve the same thing. I can ride her in an English saddle because of the gullet with a mattes correction pad for friction relief and the open spine… Does anyone know of a western saddle pad that could do the same thing for me. She really prefers her western saddle.
Probably the best thing to do, since you’re dealing with scar tissue, would be to have a custom pad made by someone like Team Equine. They make pads that are essentially closed cell foam inserts that go inside a doubled and sewn wool blanket. The wool blanket casing is sewn in such a way that the front is shaped to stay up in the gullet of the saddle. They can customize cut outs of all sorts. I had them do one for a particular problem I was having. I am fortunate enough to live within hauling distance, so they could fit horse, saddle and pad in person, but they’re also very willing to help by email.
Alternatively, you can invest in a closed cell pad or two and cut it yourself. Just make sure to put some sort of liner pad underneath it when you ride to absorb sweat.
If you just need a pad that will stay up in the gullet, check out the Professional’s Choice contoured pads. They give nice clearance over the withers and are a good quality pad.
Check out Skito pads as they have inserts and openings down the spine The owner, Tom Skito is great about working with you to get the right pad for your horse and saddle.
the inserts come out and you can wash the pad. I have 4 of them and LOVE them.