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Spinoff Thread: What is your horse's nickname for you (if horses could talk)?

This is a just-for-fun spinoff thread.
If horses could speak, what nickname(s) would your horse call you by?

My husband and I always joke that our horses refer to me as “the Mexican,” or “Barn Mexican,” or “the Housekeeper.”:lol:

Note: I’m second-generation Mexican-American and have worked as a stable hand/ groom/ working student -so please don’t flame me for being bigoted.

I’m pretty sure they call me “Oh, not her again…”

Food Lady… SO and I joke that I’m her favorite Food Bringing Human.

She definitely has a wide array of inappropriate ones for me as I do for her…

“The Bigger One.”

(My mare is half-leased by a young, peanut kid.)

“Small Annoying Animal”.

Or just “F%&^ No!”

Edit: I’m definitely also “Toilet Cleaner”.

Pretty sure mine would be “Its her…”

Horses see me and know I mean work.

These are great! Thank you all for sharing!
I’m sure that the Evil Mini Pony refers to me as “Serf” or “Concierge.”
I’m also sure that when I ride, they refer to me as “Lard A**.”

“The candy dispenser”

“the help”

I’m pretty sure they call me “Oh, not her again…”[/QUOTE]
I’m pretty positive Mya feels the same way…

These are great! Thank you all for sharing!
I’m sure that the Evil Mini Pony refers to me as “Serf” or “Concierge.”
I’m also sure that when I ride, they refer to me as “Lard A**.”[/QUOTE]

I hope your horse doesn’t regularly put that kind of negativity out into the universe :wink:

“She Who Needs to Lose a Few Pounds”

The other I can’t mention cuz it would get me banned.

I’m fairly sure my gelding calls me the Fun Police behind my back. If someone just heard an audio tape of me at the barn they would think I was with a toddler. All I seem to say is “Stop that!”, “Get that out of your mouth!”, “Leave it alone!”, etc.


although actually my whole body bobbles sometimes… :uhoh:


Smelly poop scooper, 'cause I probably smell most of the time because, well, I scoop poop a lot and I ride and I get dirty doing farm chores and such.

I hope they’d call me kind because I always tell them how much I love them and that I’ve always got their back and that I’ll take care of them.

They might call me bossy because I tell them what to do.

They might call me the maid because I serve them and clean up after them.

Maybe they call me sucker because I pay money to do their chores.

I hope your horse doesn’t regularly put that kind of negativity out into the universe ;)[/QUOTE]

Regarding Moonshine, our 6 year old, 8 hh (palomino with four white socks and a blaze) mini adopted from a local rescue, a.k.a., Evil Mini Pony, a.k.a. Moonie the Mob Boss, a.k.a., the Pasture Shark:

Moonie is truly a pugnacious, fierce beast. The best explanation that we have for his personality is that he was the head of a multi-national drug cartel during his previous lifetime. It’s the only answer that makes any sense.:wink:

Moonie came to the rescue we volunteer at after someone at a horse auction came across his owner kicking the s**t out of him because he didn’t sell that day. Amy offered him $35 on the spot for Moonie and the other mini the guy had.

So, Moonie hates humans. We were looking for a small pasture buddy for our other two horses.

For some unknown reason, Moonie choose my (then non-horsey) husband to be His Human and that was that. Moonie adores my husband but hates all other humans, most other horses, and all dogs. So far, he’s managed to break the rescue director’s finger and my husband’s toe (that was an accident, I think).

Moonie especially hates little kids -he will cross the pasture to double barrel a little kid, so he needed to go to a child free home, which worked out perfectly for us. He ignores older kids.

My husband is the only person who can catch him or put a halter on him.

After almost two years of working with him daily, Moonie will now hang out with me in the pasture within an arm’s length of me, but still won’t let me touch him -some relationships just take time.

He goes into a blind terror in any type of round-pen situation.

Once Curt catches him, he can be handled safely -no kick or rear, but every single muscle in his body is locked tight with tension, even sedated.

Oddly enough, he trailers just fine.

Anywhoodle, Moonie is absolutely fearless. He’s a good influence on my very hot, very spooky chestnut Arabian gelding.

My husband had to build an addition to the main turnout shed because Moonie won’t let Sterling (my other Arabian gelding) in the main turnout shed, despite the fact that Curt built Moonie his very own mini-sized barn/turnout shed.

Honestly, I kind of admire his pugnacious attitude.

Moonie doesn’t have a Napoleon complex, he has a Stalin complex. But he’s fearless and cute and thinks he’s ten feet tall and I love him.

Whenever I walk into the barn to clean stalls I call out “housekeeping!” and they all mosey out of their stalls to their attached runs.

So I’m sure that’s what they think I’m called…that, and “the giver of all good things”. I prefer not to think that they might have something negative to say.

OP, you have me rolling over here!!! Like tears coming out of my eyes, laughing my butt off!

It’s been well established that Vince used to call me Woman. While Hanja calls me Lady. As in, Hey Lady! and What the hell Lady!