Splints- As in, the Injury

I did a search, which gave me a couple of topics that briefly mentioned splints and several talking about splint boots, so sorry if this has been talked about a lot. Feel free to send me a link and send me on my way if you don’t want to talk about them again. :wink:

My wonderful horse who just got over a cold and was coming back to work has now had a splint appear. :no: I’m not freaking out, just shaking my head. I’m also not coming here as my first source of advice, so please don’t go all “OMG call the vet”. She was the first one I talked to, she’s the one I listen to

I was just wondering- what do YOU do when one all of a sudden “pops a splint” (and am I the only one who hates that terminology for some reason?)? Do you keep it wrapped in hopes of not having a huge bulge on your horse’s leg forever? Do you get it x-rayed and see if some type of surgery might help prevent problems down the road? Do you give them some bute and go for a ride? (lol… no this is not my plan of action, btw) Have you had different experiences with them happening higher up versus lower? Or with horses hurting themselves different ways?

Just a conversation starter since I did a search when my horse did this to herself (yes, this was one of those where she really was out to maim herself) and didn’t find much on the topic, at least not recently. Maybe my search tool just doesn’t work too well.

How old is the horse? My 5 year old popped what I thought was a splint. Turned out after a vet exam she just hit herself…,hard. Looked like a splint, felt like one, not one. Go figure.

This was 2 weeks ago. I’m sweating abbd wrapping her. And she’s on stall rest.

After what I just went through, I would do everything you can to prevent it from getting worse. I would keep the horse stalled and in standing wraps with surpass applied. Also ice it as frequently as possible. I will never take a splint for granted after my experiences now. I would do that for at least a week or two, also have the vet out to palpate and maybe xray to know that its not sensitive.

Horse is 7… horse is staying stalled and am keeping it wrapped most of the time, vet is pretty confident it is a splint and we are treating it as such, but if she just whacked it hard, treating it this way won’t do any harm, and it will just be a happy surprise if she doesn’t have a permanent lump on her leg. I may x-ray, get paid Friday, she really doesn’t seem too bothered by it (not at all when you palpate it, only slightly off on it in the right conditions) but I definitely want to make sure nothing bothers her long-term.

Ice 3x day for the first 5 days. Wrap overnight with Surpass. X-ray/ultrasound to confirm no suspensory involvement or fracture. Resume normal activity when you see no lameness under any circumstances for a week.

Im dealing with this right now … Had him checked out when the splint “arrived” and he was/has been sound. Been riding still but keeping it lighter then normal and of course checking his legs and soundness before ever ride. I also have been cold hosing/icing the leg after each ride.

Hope that your horse heals quickly and feels better soon! :slight_smile: