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Splitting Vaccine Routines?

Have you talked with the vet about pairing the banamine with an antihistamine? We’ve got an import that was having all sorts of weird reactions to vaccines here - high fevers, giant hives, itching, etc. and after three sets of shots they settled on that for him.

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@joiedevie99 I had to start him on Zyrtec for allergies mid summer and he was still on it at vaccine time. I had heard that some horses do better with it after he was on it, but we didn’t experience that unfortunately. I was really hoping it would help.

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I think I have a Spring 2023 plan :crazy_face:

I called the vet and they confirmed that he has had Vetera brand vaccines before which was mentioned as being less reactive in another vaccine thread. Knowing that, we are going to give the Zoeitis Core vaccine a go with intranasal flu/rhino which I know from the fall doesn’t bother him. They said we can just do this once a year so that would be ideal.

Appt is for next Thursday, I am going to get him back on his Zyrtec going into it just in case that does help any.


Good luck!

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And we’re off. Zoetis Core has been administered and we will do flu/rhino IN in a couple weeks along with dental/microchip.

We opted to not give him any banamine and I will be keeping watch on him to see if we have the fever reaction. I think it’s going to be a long night/morning. Any suggestions on how often o should check his temp? I am paranoid about going too long and leaving him with a high fever :face_with_thermometer:

He has been on Zyrtec for the past couple of days as well so maybe we will get some help from that.


So far we’re still underneath the banamine threshold 15 hours post shot. He is so used to me taking his temp he didn’t even get up for this round of checks. BO set me up on the couch in their learning center with a blanket and pillow which was super nice. I was actually able to get some rest inbetween checks than being home worrying.


Go Charlie!

We are currently on a downward trend!

6:00AM - 102.1
7:30AM - 101.2
9:00AM - 101.0
10:00AM - 101.0

Fingers VERY crossed we don’t start going back up.


11:00AM - 100.2
12:00PM - 100.9
1:00PM - 99.9

He’s got a 3:30 check scheduled with his “team” and then I’ll be back around 5:30/6 provided numbers are still low.:crossed_fingers:

He’s loving all the attention!!


I think we did it!!

Friday PM
1:00PM - 99.9
3:30PM - 100.0
7:45PM - 100.5
9:00PM - 100.0

8:00AM - 99.3

He was all bright eyed and bushy tailed when I went out this morning. I promptly came back home and slept until noon :joy:


I didn’t know that an intranasal flu/rhino option existed until seeing this thread. Would love more info from people who have used it or are familiar with it! Is it similar in efficacy to the IM?

Asking because my guy was feeling really down and out yesterday after 6 way on Thursday. Flu/rhino booster alone last fall seemed to have a less dramatic but similar response. He got full dose Banamine at the appointment on Thursday as a precaution but took a turn for the worse right around the time that would’ve worn off yesterday. He seemed to perk up after the second dose kicked in last night.

We made it through ALL vaccines! We had the IN flu/rhino Thursday, no banamine and no fevers. No issues with that last year but I did pre treat with banamine.

No reactions and no banamine for a win and we are set until next spring!


I thought we were okay with my reactive boy. Vet gave banamine and rabies shot Friday at noon. Seemed fine Friday - longed lightly. Saturday his temp was normal morning and afternoon, just a little quiet. Today (Sunday) he was lethargic moved stiffly and his temperature was a little up (101.5). Vet advised to give banamine. Anyone else have a horse with a delayed reaction?

Charlie’s have always been 24-48 hours after with the high fevers. This go around, he got up to 102.1 about 12 hours after, held that for about 3 hours then went back down so a little pattern deviation.

101.5 though is right on the cusp; I wait to do banamine now until he gets to 102.5 and moves from low grade fever into fever fever territory. That said, it’s provided I’m around to check his temp frequently which may not always be possible for everyone. If I couldn’t be around to check, I’d prob err on the side of a dose.

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@FjordBCRF I have a new Friesian and was warned about their sensitivity to vaccines …it was recommended that I always pre treat with Banamine prior to shots …my boy got his first Zoetis Core EQ …he got a mild low grade fever of 101.5 was the highest it went -he went off his feed for about a day but still happily ate his hay , and grass in turnout …he was otherwise normal …we will be boostering that 3-4 wks later …I was told to give Flu/Rhino separately-not at same time as the Core EQ …so 3-4 wks after the second Core EQ he will start the Flu/Rhino …he hasn’t had the booster yet so fingers crossed he will be ok ….I get the theory of splitting up so it’s not so much in the system at once and to try and isolate which vaccine is causing problems …however …with Core EQ there’s a few components of that vaccine so you still aren’t exactly sure which is causing issue …also splitting up means that you’re having to go through this many more times possibly increasing and having more reactions ??

I was also advised against giving him the Botulism vaccine all together because they had clients whose Friesians died as a result of the vaccine ??

Lastly I don’t give any of mine the strangles or Potomac Horse Fever any longer as they aren’t considered “ core”

I think I commented on your thread about it, I’ve been trial and erroring this for three years with my gelding.

I don’t pre-treat with banamine anymore. We want to know if he’s going to have a fever or not and that will mask it. He doesn’t react immediately, so giving him that early banamine is a waste of a dose and not good for him to have unless he really needs it. When he was reacting to the Vetera 6 way, we were going on 3 days of banamine with the pre-treat which isn’t great.

He also gets his flu/rhino a couple weeks after; you’re not suppose to give them IM and IN vaccines the same day.

Im also forgoing PHF for now, it’s not a very effective vaccine to begin with so that’s a consideration.

I wasn’t a fan of splitting vaccines up due to the possibility of MORE reactions, but did in the fall at least with rabies. He reacted just as harshly as he did to the Vetera 6 way in the spring so that was the end of that for me.

The other thing to keep in mind, they tend to have a lesser reaction to something new. Next spring Im planning the Zoetis Core again, but will be on top of temp checks in case he has a harsher reaction.

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I thought Fort Dodge was known for adverse vaccine reactions. Fort Dodge was Pfizer which spun off to become Zoetis. I am surprised that Zoetis Core seems to not be causing a reaction unless it is newer and developed by Zoetis long after Fort Dodge was out of the picture. I think Pfizer also purchased somebody in there and had to sell some of the vaccines to other companies to prevent the monopoly concern. I wonder if Zoetis Core is not based out of the Fort Dodge history.


I’m not sure about the history, but there is another boarder at my barn that has reactive horses that Zoetis Core works the best for as well.

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Zoetis Core seems to have been made available in 2018, and I’m pretty sure that’s after the Ft Dodge transition

Most of the issues around vaccine reactions when it’s about one brand vs another, is the adjuvant(s) used. Not all companies use the same one(s), and sometimes there isn’t an adjuvant at all (like the 1-yr feline rabies)


Thanks to this thread, I talked to my vet about doing the IN Rhino/Flu this year as my mare reacted to the shot and was off for about a week despite splitting the shots and giving Banamine with each one.

This year we did the IN and he said we could skip the 3-way or just wait until next visit (she comes up with some random quarterly reason for a trip to the vet… :roll_eyes: ). About six hours post-vaccine, her temp was just a bit up at 101.2, and back down to 100.1 the next morning. She has been cleaning up her feed and looking quite happy. I’m planning to put her back to work this afternoon.