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Splitting Vaccine Routines?

We’re back to our old reactions :disappointed:. No dice this time with the Zoetis core.

I think I have enough data points to feel comfortable just giving him the banamine 10-12 post vaccine, repeat every 12 hours for the following day (Wednesday) and monitor his temp through Thursday and see where we’re at. He’s usually down with the fevers by then.

There were 5 others in the barn this time with high fevers so at least we have a support team this go around.

We still need Potomac which is scheduled in April. Maybe next year we will do that at the same time as the core given the single vaccine reactions are the same as the multi. :woman_facepalming:t2:

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@FjordBCRF - oh no! I’m sorry to hear this. I hope he’s feeling better ASAP and doesn’t have any other reactions going forward.

I’m waiting until mid May to start my EMS pony’s shots. Will start with Rhino/Flu IN and go from there. fingers crossed

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Thank you; I think reacting to vaccines is our lot in life, he’s nothing if but consistent :crazy_face:

Morning check was good, 99.3 and another dose of banamine. He normally gets his hay weighed out being an easy keeper, but I’m bulking his bags up more with the banamine in his system, so I think he’s pretty happy about that at least.


We had three horses at our barn react to the Rabies vaccine this month. We do split the vaccines between two visits, so this first visit is Rabies and Lyme, one in each side of the horse’s neck. All three had symptoms of colic and tying up and one had significant stocking up in all 4 legs.

Up thead someone mentioned vaccine companies covering vet bills for severe reactions; my barn owner was told that coverage would only happen if the horse(s) had to go to the vet hospital. Fortunately, she was able to get them through it with banamine as it coincided with a Nor’easter and adverse traveling conditions.

I’ll have to ask what the brand of the vaccine was. Vaccine reactions are scary. I do wish that we could move to requiring the rabies vaccine every three years as it is for dogs; it seems to me that most horses are less likely to encounter a rabid animal than a dog.

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Our trainer talked to the vet again this morning after stopping at the clinic to stock up on banamine for the 5 that are with us plus her lesson horses that are getting done next week. Vet is contacting the manufacturer with the batch number about our issues and said sometimes they will cover the cost of the banamine so thats good news on that end. And they will take back any tubes we dont use.

Now I am going back and forth whether to do Potomac in a month or wait until next spring and add it to the 5 way. He last got it in fall of 2022 so he’s definitely due. Will see what the vet thinks.

I did an afternoon check and the banamine is keeping the fever down but now our fecal water syndrome is flared up pretty bad :upside_down_face:

That would only happen if the vaccine company carried out vaccine challenge trials over a 3 year period, and would likely be prohibitively expensive from a company’s fiscal stanpoint.
It would require a small herd of horses be maintained for that period.
Spending $$$$ to prove your product desn’t need to be used so often isn’t exactly profitable, either.


I should add here that rabies vaccine licensing requirements are significantly more stringent than other livestock vaccines because of the public health implications.


My mare had a bad reaction (not as bad as some here - high fever, large swelling, couldn’t graze) in 2021 and the vet visits to follow up were covered. That was to the vetera gold five way.

We have been splitting them up and pairing with banamine since then… Currently monitoring a relatively large swelling from flu/rhino yesterday 🫤

It’s somewhere up thread, but the IN flu/rhino is the only vax we’ve consistently not had any issues with whatsoever. Knock on wood.

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Got through the rabies with minimal trouble with my reactive boy. Now need to do the core vaccines. I havent done other shots the last three years due to reactions and him staying home. Need to consider risk/reward on other vaccines since we will, at most, go to a couple of local schooling shows.

Glad to have the Coggins done. Just had a positive case not too far from me. Apparently somebody bought a young horse in another state and brought it in without Coggins or health certificate. Then they did the Coggins! Poor horse was euthanized and the stable is under quarantine. Hadnt heard of a positive in a long time before that.


Ah, I had not considered IN! Maybe next year I’ll do that.

Worth a shot! (No pun intended :joy:)


Ok hive mind

Charlie had his IN flu/rhino and Potomac vaccines this morning. He’s never reacted to flu/rhino but he’s also never had Potomac by itself.

Given we are batting nearly 100% with high fever reactions from the injectable vaccines, would you wait it out and see if he spikes a fever or just do the 12 hour banamine rounds? His fevers subside by the 48 hour mark which is 4 full doses of banamine. Vet said he wasn’t too worried about that.

Next spring we’re going to do Potomac with the Core since i have to do banamine for that anyways so this last round I’m struggling with deciding on what to do.

What did the vet want you to do?

I would likely monitor closely and see if there is any reaction.

It would give you information to move forward with.

He was supportive either way which didnt help LOL

I ended up choosing to wait it out since he was still in the 99’s at the 12 hour mark. Stayed until about 11:30 last night and went back for a 430 check and a friend checked him at 7 and were still good.

When he had his rabies standalone he did spike when I checked at the 26 hour mark post injection, so I’m going to do another run to the barn here soon to check on him around that same timeframe.

