Spooky with slight bulge of eye

Friend’s horse recently started getting spooky. Never had been before. Is appy mare, so had vet check her eyes. Looked fine. Blood test for Lyme. Negative. Sent to trainer who noticed that horse is spooking at shadows, and one eye is slightly bulging. No watering, no squinting, no other signs of pain. Anyone have any ideas? Friend is thinking of trying a different vet while horse is still at trainers.

Eyes are hard and generalists don’t have the tools to evaluate particularly in depth. A veterinary ophthalmologist would be a good next step.


Idk that we have anyone around us that does that. Lake Ariel Pa.

you can ask the regular vet if there’s an ophtho they refer to, or call around to bigger hospitals- likely a vet school or similar- New Bolton has ophtho.


Tumor behind the eye ???

Agree with getting a horse ophthalmologist. I went through that with a horse. I contacted my vet who had an animal ophthalmologist out. Then we took her for a catscan. The condition she had also caused noradrenaline to flood her system. Are the hollows above the eye the same indentation?

Hope it is something benign and treatable. Good luck.

I have a mare with bulgy eyes and some weird behavioral traits. A new vet was sure it was cancer that metastasized to her brain. I took her to Dr. Scherrer, the ophthalmologist at New Bolton. No brain cancer :rofl: just a congenital defect in the formation of her third eyelid that allowed the fat from behind her eye to prolapse. She removed it standing. It was surprisingly cheap and easy.

In your location, you are just as close, if not closer, to Cornell if you didn’t want to go to New Bolton.