Sports hernia/pelvic pain...getting married in 2 weeks & need the pain gone!!!!

Back in March I had posted that I had been diagnosed with Osteitus Pubis…we went thru therapy for a few weeks and then I went to see a sports medicine doctor. He did an MRI and blood work. The MRI cam back negative for any inflammation in my pelvic area, and the blood work was negative for any infection. Keeping with the working diagnosis he then “thought” that I may have a sports hernia, even tho nothing showed up on the MRI. So we have been working with that type of diagnosis since April. I took 4 months off from riding and started back end of June. I was able to ride about 4 times a week until Beginning of August when the pain reared its head again, this time worse than ever. Like I stated in my older posts, it feels like a constant bladder infection, with pain during and after urination, and I am stuck in the bathroom for hours (Sunday I was on the toilet for 8 hours, because this is the most comfortable place for me when it hurts)

It is affecting EVERYTHING right now, I can barely go to work, as the pain isn’t responding to muscle relaxers or prescriptions, we have taken my horse completely out of training with my trainer so that I am not tempted to get on him when he is doing good. So he is just sitting out in a field doing nothing right now. He’s only 7 so I still have plenty of time to reach my goals with him, and he is half Saddlebred so he still has a bit of a baby brain. I just feel so bad for him, cause while my trainer has been riding him while I have been sick, we noticed that he doesn’t track up on his right side as good as on his left, so I had the vet come out, and he was diagnosed with a very mild case of EPM…just hit me while i’m down! He’s fine though, and can still work, I just hate that he won’t be getting stronger on that left side…grrrr…

My biggest concern, tho, is that I am getting married in 2 weeks!!! I can’t be in this much pain on my wedding day, so I am reaching out to you guys to see if anyone else has dealt with this type of “injury” (we are still not 100% sure what it is). I am in therapy twice a week doing internal therapy, heat therapy, and just starting to use a tens unit. I am so beyond frustrated with this, and if it comes across as a vent, it probably is that as well, cause I can’t convey to my fiance how much i’m not only in pain physically, but mentally from not being able to live my life (i.e…ride my horse!!!) I’m not allowed to ride until the pain is gone and stays gone.

So, people, experience with sports hernia/pelvic pain?? Any suggestions would be sooooo very much appreciated!!! So thank you all for listening to my rant :slight_smile:

cause I can’t convey to my fiance how much i’m not only in pain physically, but mentally from not being able to live my life [/QUOTE]

You can’t talk to your fiance about this, but you can talk to a bunch of strangers on a BB? Whoa, red flag, anyone??

Hope you can get it sorted out soon so you can get your life back. But you should be able to talk to your fiance about this, and have him understand how the pain, and also not riding, affects every aspect of your life.

Hard for some strangers on a horse BB to second guess your Drs.

Maybe you need to keep looking for the right diagnosis a bit longer?
What does your gynecologist has to say to all that?

I had a pelvic mass they could not determine what it was at all, had to have surgery for it and it was some intestines herniating into the pelvic cavity and around other organs there, where they should not be.
A 2 1/2 hour operation put them back in their place.

I didn’t have any pain with that, but then, I don’t feel pain much, none after the, they tell me, very painful surgery, so you can’t go by that with me.

I hope you can get things sorted out before long and yes, your future husband needs to be involved now if he is not, in looking for a solution asap.

I can talk to him about it, and he’s very supportive of my therapy and trying to find out what is wrong. But he’s not a true horse person and will never truly understand what it means to me not to be able to ride. Also, he’s not a woman so he doesn’t quite understand the pain :wink:

I’ve been dealing with this problem for close to 5 years…pain first started when I was 18. Its mostly related to my riding, which is why I posted on here, hoping someone else has expereinced a similiar problem. I have seen 6 doctors, none of them have been able to give me any answers, including my gyno. She misdiagnosed me as chronic UTI’s. My dad is also an ob/gyn and he has no clue what is going on. In his 30 years he’s never seen anything like I’ve already received a PM back from someone who went thru exactly what I am, so I have gotten some great feedback from posting this.

Thank you!!

If I was in that much pain, you can believe my hubby would know ALL about it. That is what he is there for, commiserating (boy, I know when his sciatica or knee hurts!).

No advice as to your medical problem. Sounds like staying off the horse is a good idea for now. I know it sucks not being able to ride, but I have been sidelined with lame horses.

You can take the time to groom and bond with your horse. You might find the relaxation it provides might help with the pain.

Good luck!

Fleece saddle seat cover maybe?

I am sure her fiancé knows about it and is supportive (as she says), what she is saying is that he cannot quite understand/comprehend the pain (physical and mental) that comes along with this.
I hate hate the unexplained aches and pains.
Good luck OP. Two weeks to you wedding… I don’t think you need that extra stress (having married my daughter almost 2 months ago… I know the stress level).

I can talk to him about it, and he’s very supportive of my therapy and trying to find out what is wrong. But he’s not a true horse person and will never truly understand what it means to me not to be able to ride. Also, he’s not a woman so he doesn’t quite understand the pain :wink:

I’ve been dealing with this problem for close to 5 years…pain first started when I was 18. Its mostly related to my riding, which is why I posted on here, hoping someone else has expereinced a similiar problem. I have seen 6 doctors, none of them have been able to give me any answers, including my gyno. She misdiagnosed me as chronic UTI’s. My dad is also an ob/gyn and he has no clue what is going on. In his 30 years he’s never seen anything like I’ve already received a PM back from someone who went thru exactly what I am, so I have gotten some great feedback from posting this.

Thank you!![/QUOTE]

Glad you found some answers.:yes:
Maybe now you can find a solution.:slight_smile:

Best wishes for a happy future for you and your future husband.:cool:

bite the bullet!

I, to, believe you should find a way to discuss this with your :yes:fiance; it is my belief that he should be talking with your doctor, and make certain that he you,
and your doctor e “on the same page:cool:” If that is not possible,:eek: how on earth is a marriage going to work:confused:?

If you do have to stay off the horse…as I have had to do, for a different issue, there is a great deal you can do on the ground that will keep both you and your horse going. Happy to send you my lesson notes if that seems to be an option!

Have you had an ultrasound? You only mentioned MRI, but if you do have some pelvic mass, fibroid or whatever, endometriosis even, those are possible causes of pain. Pain can be referred pain from elsewhere in the pelvic cavity. I think you need another medical opinion. If your Dad, supposedly a well qualified OBGyn even has no clue, why not go to a really cutting edge place like Mayo Clinic for that second/third opinion?

gel pad

Would a gel pad for you help? how about a different saddle? I have seen somewhere an ad for underwear , mens’ of course,:mad: with gel;) inserts. When I see it again:cool:, I will write down the info.

A couple of things come to mind. Goggle the following
Interstitial cystitis and spondyloarthropathies. A Second or third opinion is needed. You have been patient for too long. Good luck.

[QUOTE=DressageGeek “Ribbon Ho”;5795435]
If you do have to stay off the horse…as I have had to do, for a different issue, there is a great deal you can do on the ground that will keep both you and your horse going. Happy to send you my lesson notes if that seems to be an option![/QUOTE]

I’d love some ideas to keep his brain working!!! Thanks!

I have a cashell gel pad that I use, I’ve also been using the back on track boxers. I bought a custom county saddle back in december, and its super comfortable.

I have had an ultrasound of my kidney and my bladder and they both came back negative. My ob does one everytime I come in. My dad is well respected in community, but the pain I am experiencing is so rare, and for obvious reasons I can only describe it to him, he cannot examine me. I am on my fiance’s insurance starting in 2 weeks so I would not be able to go to the Mayo clinic or someplace like that, as our insurance probably would not cover it. I have seen 6 doctors here locally, and I have a great physical therapist.

I once again want to stress I have a wonderful fiance. When I can ride he doesn’t ask questions or press me to get home from the barn. He just does not fully understand my passion for my horse and how much it is a part of my life. That is all I was getting at. He does know I am in pain, hell he has had to watch me sit on a toilet for 8 hours crying my eyes out cause the pain is so bad. He understands the pain, he just doesn’t fully understand why it is so hard for me to not ride, even tho that is what is hurting me. So I wanted to make that very very clear. He is the love of my life.


I just emailed you and forgot to attach the notes!! Going back to do that now!

I’m a 4th year medical student (standard disclaimer, not a doctor yet), but thought of something you (or your doctors) might not have considered.

I agree that you need a good evaluation by a urologist or gynecologist, maybe a second opinion if your own ob-gyn is stumped. However, if they truly cannot find anything wrong (ie endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, pelvic mass etc), here’s a somewhat out-there idea to consider. When I did my OB-GYN rotation, I saw a woman with chronic pelvic pain, worse with um, intimate activities;), but also bad enough to limit her everyday activities. All tests and imaging for endometriosis, pelvic mass, bladder issues were negative. The attending physician ended up referring her to a pelvic physical therapist. Apparently, some women can have very tight pelvic floor muscles, and this can cause a lot of pain even when all the tests show “nothing wrong.” This was not something I ever heard about in my medical school classes and my attending said many ob-gyn’s are not aware of it either.

Good luck,

I’m a 4th year medical student (standard disclaimer, not a doctor yet), but thought of something you (or your doctors) might not have considered.

I agree that you need a good evaluation by a urologist or gynecologist, maybe a second opinion if your own ob-gyn is stumped. However, if they truly cannot find anything wrong (ie endometriosis, interstitial cystitis, pelvic mass etc), here’s a somewhat out-there idea to consider. When I did my OB-GYN rotation, I saw a woman with chronic pelvic pain, worse with um, intimate activities;), but also bad enough to limit her everyday activities. All tests and imaging for endometriosis, pelvic mass, bladder issues were negative. The attending physician ended up referring her to a pelvic physical therapist. Apparently, some women can have very tight pelvic floor muscles, and this can cause a lot of pain even when all the tests show “nothing wrong.” This was not something I ever heard about in my medical school classes and my attending said many ob-gyn’s are not aware of it either.

Good luck,

Thanks! This is pretty much the diagnosis we are working with now. The internal physical therapy works wonders, as does a tens unit. I’ve seen 2 obs, plus my dad’s knowledge, a sports medicine doctor, a family practice doctor, a urologist nurse practioner, and a urologists. My urologist literally yesterday looked at me after I told her what was going on and she said “and what do you want me to do about it.” I said I refuse to be sick or in pain on my wedding day so give me something to work with. She didn’t do much. Increased my muscle relaxer, started me on a a new anti-inflammatory/steroid, and started me on an anti-biotic in case it is a bladder infection.

I had a good day today and actually got some sleep last night. Pain is slightly worsening tonight, but I have physical therapy tomorrow…yay!!! It always makes the pain better!

Have you tried acupuncture? If not, might as well try that too. Good luck and keep us posted.

Yeah, I second the acupuncture idea, after reading all the above.

The other thing I’d suggest is that pain and anxiety tend to potentiate each other (in my experience!). So considering you are about to go through a major life change, are experiencing debilitating pain, and have other issues (horsey illness), I’d suggest you talk with a counselor to learn ways to cope with all this. It’s a lot of stress, even if there’s a lot of great things going on in your life right now.

Good luck!


npr had recent “segment” on PID; and stressed, as have others, the importance of an accurate:yes: diagnosis; did you say you had had an MRI? Can you find a female OBGYN? She might listen more to your concern:eek: about your upcoming wedding:cool:.