Sprained ankle. Advice for stirrups?

So I failed to exit our shed properly a few weeks ago. It was a mild sprain, I didn’t go to the dr. Because I had a PT appointment the next day (for my hip) and the therapist checked it out and made several suggestions, said he didn’t think there was anything to indicate an X-ray was needed.

Overall it is doing well, but still somewhat swollen. A few days ago I made the mistake of jogging my horse for the vet- didn’t really hurt at the time but that night was uncomfortable.

I rode without stirrups for about 10 days and then went back to using them. I’m working on getting the flexibility back into it, but it’s not there yet. I’m wondering if anyone has experience with other kinds of stirrups/ leathers? There are so many out there now… currently I just use plain old fillis on my dressage saddle and the S- shaped safety stirrups on my jumping saddle- and I want to make sure I keep safety stirrups of some sort on it. Oh, and I’d rather not break the bank!

I’d also love to hear others experience with this.

Just keep riding without stirrups, or drop your stirrup a couple holes. I broke my foot in January. Pulled and messed up the ligaments, had tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis. I rode without a stirrup, then put it about 4-5 holes down. Enough that I could put my foot in the stirrups, but lift my leg to keep my weight off of it. Still working on getting my flexibility back.

Very gradually i have raised that stirrup back up.

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I use peacock stirrups. They seem just fine. For a while a rode without a shoe (because I couldn’t get my shoe on with the swelling).

I did the same thing. I used an ankle brace for a while for the support (especially when walking on uneven terrain) and then switched to wrapping it. It took me a while before I could dismount and land on both feet.

Both of my ankles are bad (had reconstructive surgery on the left, arthoscopic surgery on the right, and neither was particularly successful) and I’ve found that taping works best for me. Ace bandages, sleeves, and figure-8 type wraps don’t work for me but properly taping with athletic tape does.

Here are a couple of helpful links (again, the figure 8 doesn’t work for me because the wrap hits a particularly sore spot but the basket-weave type does, and usually it only takes a few strips of strategically-placed tape to be effective for me): https://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/s…in-taping#lock https://www.footcaremd.org/resources…-tape-an-ankle

I worked with my physical therapist to figure out the best wrapping technique to help me ride comfortably.


Oh thank you for this!
I’m not liking the wrap either- basically just stopped using it. I’ve got KT tape on it right now and that helps some. I think those “real” techniques would really help.

I appreciate everyone’s comments. I prefer not to spend money on more stuff!

I severely sprained my ankle in April. Due to the COVID in the area, I never went to seek medical attention until 8 weeks later. My dr told me I was doing everything right, compression, ice, elevation, and rest. I did take anti inflammatory medicine as well for a while. As for riding, my dr to me to use athletic tape. I have way more support. Even now I’m still not 100% riding so it takes time to heal. I’m more comfortable in my jump saddle than my dressage saddle. I guess it’s because my leg sits differently. For my the flex doesn’t hurt but the bend/turn of the ankle inward does.

I also do my own PT at home. I write the alphabet with my foot. Think of your big toe as the pen. It’s a great way to help get the mobility back and strengthen the ankle again. Some letters may hurt, just do what you can.

I use arnica gel on the sore and swollen area too.

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My ankle has been shot for the past 20 years ever since a 3rd degree sprain and break. The pain comes and goes depending on how recently I’ve managed to fold it again.

I use Compositi stirrups and unlined leathers for the extra cushion and larger footbed. I place the stirrup much farther back to take some strain off of my ligaments or it will get very painful fast. I pop two advil before hunting to take the edge off.

I broke my ankle in 2017 and had hardware in it for a year, then had the hardware taken out in 2018. I’m just now at the point where I feel good riding in my normal stirrups again. I bought myself a pair of MDC jointed ones with the offset hole for the leathers and they helped a lot during the particularly painful times, but I honestly think it was more the wider foot-base than the jointed part.

The wider base let me get a little more of my foot into the stirrup without shoving it too far forward and thus distributed the weight a little better. Maybe a non-jointed set with a wide base would help you?

I also rode with it longer for a few months, just to relieve the pressure from the swelling and where my hardware was digging in.

I have a lot of hardware in my ankle and use the Bow Balance stirrups which are nice and expensive. perhaps someone could lend you some while you recover. I probably don’t need them anymore but still use them.

OP, I have no advice on stirrups, but merely a suggestion not to be a dumb bunny like me. I injured an ankle, thought I had rested and rehabbed it enough, and ended up with perineal tears that have been a source of frustration and significant pain for a solid gosh-darn year. I’ve been through two rounds of PT, an injection, multiple visits to a specialist and only now, one year later, can I ride for 20 minutes at a time. I’m slowly building up minutes in the saddle. So! Take care of yourself…more than I did!