So I failed to exit our shed properly a few weeks ago. It was a mild sprain, I didn’t go to the dr. Because I had a PT appointment the next day (for my hip) and the therapist checked it out and made several suggestions, said he didn’t think there was anything to indicate an X-ray was needed.
Overall it is doing well, but still somewhat swollen. A few days ago I made the mistake of jogging my horse for the vet- didn’t really hurt at the time but that night was uncomfortable.
I rode without stirrups for about 10 days and then went back to using them. I’m working on getting the flexibility back into it, but it’s not there yet. I’m wondering if anyone has experience with other kinds of stirrups/ leathers? There are so many out there now… currently I just use plain old fillis on my dressage saddle and the S- shaped safety stirrups on my jumping saddle- and I want to make sure I keep safety stirrups of some sort on it. Oh, and I’d rather not break the bank!
I’d also love to hear others experience with this.