Sprained Ankle is actually a fractured heel

Dear person who invented MRI’s I love you.

The past month been having issues with what first diagnosed as a sprained ankle.

My ankle never swelled up.

My foot was swollen and bruised and I couldn’t put weight on it or even touch it without crying.

Basically tried to use it as little as possible and crutched around campus till I got home from college.

Had an MRI taken and there’s a hairline fracture in my heel.

It’s now been put in a NWB cast to be kept immobilized for the next 2 weeks.

And then PT.

I think my show season for this summer is shot :frowning: and Little Grey Orphan Filly will not be making her show debut with me.

I’m just glad it was properly diagnosed and has been attended to. Just wish it had been picked up properly when it first happened (I did it WALKING! WALKING! Doc told me I was just un/lucky to have hit the ground with my foot just right to do damage ugh).

So sorry - hope you heal fast!

Arg! Hope it feels better faster! Jingles!

umm. OW!
I feel your pain. Jingles for a quick recovery!
If you did it walking, how is your bone density? I was told you can fracture an ankle walking off a curb if your bone density is off. I know you are in college (young), but, its just a thought.

umm. OW!
I feel your pain. Jingles for a quick recovery!
If you did it walking, how is your bone density? I was told you can fracture an ankle walking off a curb if your bone density is off. I know you are in college (young), but, its just a thought.[/QUOTE]

I’m really petite :frowning: (4’10 less than a 100lbs) and pretty fine boned (small hands/wrists etc). Will start taking my calcium supplements starting now.

I think I was just really unlucky - unsupportive/shock-absorbing shoes + concrete + just the right/wrong angle = me fracturing my heel.

My friend broke his heel several years ago stepping off his horse.
He was in terrible pain and heavy pain killers.:frowning:
He had to drag himself on the floor the first few days just to go to the bathroom from his chair, even using crutches was terribly painful on that hanging leg.

I hope yours is not as bad as his was, that he still calls his nightmare and he has had a thumb completely looped off roping and reattached succesfully and several other serious injuries.:eek:
Thankfully, his heel healed fast and he has never had any problem from it.:cool:

Maybe yours will heal just as nicely.:slight_smile: