Spring Flowers Trail Ride & Potluck Lunch, Sat 4/13/13 at one pm W Friendship Park MD
All, there is a Spring Flowers Trail Ride being held at West Friendship Park in MD on Sat 13 APR at one PM. Here are some links to the park, including a map:
The ride is being jointly hosted between the Free State ApHC and Mt Airy Saddle Pals. Memberships forms will be available at the ride whereas we request that riders be members (this is per club policy and for insurance purposes). Ride will be 1.5-2.0 hours at an easy walking pace, with possible short trots if the horses are behaving and the footing is appropriate. RSVPs are requested to the ride leader (the undersigned) at baylady7 @ aol. com (remove spaces) by noon the day before. Helmets are strongly suggested. There is water and portajohns on site. Rain date is 4/14/2013. Happy trails…