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St. Louis boarding

Hi all,
I just posted over in the dressage forum but wanted to see if anyone had ideas over here as well. I’m moving to the St. Louis area in the coming months and would appreciate some recommendations on boarding. I’ll likely be close to downtown or in the chesterfield area so open to options around either of those places.
I primarily ride dressage but am more interested in finding a place with excellent care, really good turnout (long hours out or even pasture board options) and decent facilities. Doesn’t have to be fancy but want safe and good footing, knowledgeable care, etc.

Thank you in advance!

I can’t recommend any of these personally but at least it gives you a place to look. My husband works in St. Louis and his boss ( daughter competes in some discipline) has horses boarded somewhere nearby and I will see if he can find out where.




Thanks so much! All recommendations are welcomed and helpful!

I hope you find a good place. This area is very horse oriented!

Editing to add it looks like the Wentzville/Lake St. Louis is where I’ll be living so would love input in that area as well!

Here are a few I found.



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That is perfect, those are the two I’ve currently contacted and waiting to hear back from if they have space or not!

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What kind of barn are you looking for? There are 2 groups most places fall into - full training/ high focus in showing OR beginner lesson type program only/ less fancy facility options/ more of the weekend rider types.

Option 1 is usually $800-1400/month (I’m sure some places are even more) and option 2 ranges from $250-650. I can recommend some places in each category just trying to narrow it down!

I think I’ve exhausted all the full training programs that I’m interested in and all are full for now. So now I’m looking for an interim place with good care in the meantime. Somewhere that is fine with trailering out to lessons, has decent turnout, etc. I’m trying to stay mostly in the Wentzville, Lake St. Louis area but may have to broaden my search.