Has anyone used this or know anything about …says it’s now available on SmartPak …$88 for a 40lb bag
what are you trying to accomplish?
2-4lb means $4.40-8.80 a day I cannot imagine it’s anywhere remotely that majikal
The fact that they lead off with “If you’re looking for a healthy alternative to today’s toxic, waste-first horse feed” turns me off SO HARD
They make a lot of weird claims in general, preying on all the fear-mongering going on about how bad some of the ingredients in commercial feeds are
I just happen to see an ad for this posted on Facebook and people were commenting that they’re so happy It’s now being sold with smart packs so it led me to look it up… then I gasped when I saw the price… As with most of my horses, I’m usually always looking for low starch, low sugar, and ideally soy Free without any added iron and also no rice bran alfalfa, corn, etc. all the things that supposedly are not good for metabolic horses as most of mine are in that category …I have one that is also PSSM2/MFM
So I actually use this and have used it for 2 years…probably 3 years now. I originally had all 6 of mine on it to help get their biome healthy. We did that for roughly 9-12 months with Sainfoin. We dropped the Sainfoin and switched to Timothy pellets and 1 on orchard grass pellets and use the Seasons BiomeBlend as a top dress (0.8# twice a day) to support their healthy biome. My one PSSM 2/P2 horse is actually one of Stablefeed’s research biome horses in a study they’re working on with my functional nutritionist. My horses look phenomenal, have been extremely healthy and gobble it up. I have the P2 horse that’s always been a challenge, but he’s done extremely well with the protocol in restoring him to a healthier self. I am by no means a spokesperson for Stablefeed, but I’ve been truly impressed by their products. It’s expensive, but the benefits and overall health outweigh feeding a crappy diet without it in my opinion.