There are a plethora of threads on saddles, fitting, buying, and usually it is the problems that are featured. I want to say that I have had the opposite experience with my new saddle.
I was nervous, I have seen problems with “custom” orders from both sides of the customer/fitter coin. It is a frustrating coin that should be gold given how expensive saddles are!
I first started to consider having David Stackhouse build me a saddle in 2010, when I went to Rolex with tracings of Bali’s back and could find no jumping saddle wide enough. I had a Black Country that just wasn’t working…and I while I loved the feel of the French ones they had nothing that wide.
Fast forward a couple of years, I realized Bali prefers dressage and still needed something that would fit me better. I ordered a customized Detente. Long story short, it never did really fit either one of us, it was a little bit too narrow, I did not send it back, thinking the flocking might settle, even though I know better…it is now sold. To help pay for the Stackhouse.
In January I was in NC at Denny Emerson’s farm and Stackhouse came over for someone else, Denny loves the saddles, and since I had talked to David and Leslie a few times I asked him to measure us, for when I could save up for a dressage saddle…since I don’t jump much anymore.
I wrote a couple of blogs about my worries…
The saddle is amazing for me and it absolutely fits Bali. I can see saving up for another in the future.
Bonus for me is that I have three horses that use that tree size, so it lets me use horseman’s rationalization skills to say it really wasn’t that expensive:D.