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Stainmaster Pet Protect Carpet- issues

SO, about a year and a half ago, my husband and I decided that we wanted to replace the old turquoise carpetting in the house we had bought a few years earlier. I am one of the few people who HATES hardwood flooring. I love carpeting. We had heard about this carpeting. It protects against stains and odors. The colors are great, they are mixed colors so they hide a lot, like threads, fuzz, etc. We loved it at first. Then one of my 5 smaller dogs had an accident. BUT b/c you cannot see where they go, and you cannot smell it right away, we didn’t realize it. Then we finally did notice a smell after a few of them peed in the same spot. Had to get down onto the floor to smell the carpet to find it.

RULES for cleaning the carpet- ONLY soap and warm water, bc it is made special, so the odors and stains do not show up. If you use anything other than soap and water, you void the warranty. also required to hire Stanley Steemer every 18 months to keep the warranty good.

I bought a really great carpet cleaning machine (expensive) and i have used it every few weeks. The problem is, the dogs are now using the family room when weather is bad, or they just feel lazy. Now that there is a smell in the carpet from them using it, and i am unable to use any enzyme cleaners, I am pretty upset. i am afraid that if i do use a regular pet cleaning product i will ruin the carpet. I don’t know how it was made and what would happen.

We paid a good $6000 for good padding and carpet thru the house. So ripping it out is NOT an option. I guess i am wondering if you have this brand of carpeting, how are you dealing with it? I have called the company and was told i can only use soap and water. I have added baking soda to help with the smell. and i have not hired Stanley Steemer, since i have a big cleaner of my own.

Spot test some of the carpet in a hidden area if you want to try other cleaners. I put in carpet 5 years ago when I moved into my new house. The carpet in the house when I bought it was nasty (it was a foreclosure). I am getting the downstairs portion redone as my older dog started having continence issues later in life and there is no way to get that smell up once they start if you don’t catch it right away. It is going to cost $800 for the living room (only carpeted area downstairs) redone. The rest of the carpet isn’t a problem so no need to replace it. I have my own steamer, I’ve had cleaners come in, I’ve used pet formulas, I had a friend in the cleaning business who gave me what they use on dog spots which did ok but was not 100%. I sadly ruined some of the carpet when I did a DIY cleaner that was online with baking soda. Not making that mistake again! I am also one who likes carpet, but there is no magic solution if you don’t clean any messes up right away.

Can you not use your warranty to get it replaced? And… why are your dogs using the family room to potty? Multiple dogs peeing on the carpet is going to ruin that $6k investment quick! Need to break them of that habit ASAP or the smell is just going to get worse and you really will have to just bite the bullet and replace the carpet.

As i said, I am not able to try something else bc it might ruin the carpet.

The house is a split level. the dog door is at the level which the dogs crates are kept. It is difficult to watch every dog all the time, and if the weather is bad, or they get lazy, i don’t know it has happened bc the carpet is made to hide the stain and the odor. Which it does for a short time. but i still cannot see the stains, and the odor is the only way i know it has happened. the odor gets worse as the other dogs go on top of it. I do not have any way to KNOW it happened unless i smell it. by the time i smell it, it has been there at least a few days. it was designed for PET OWNERS. BUt- i don’t see it, and i don’t know it is there until it is too late. After i clean it up, it does not smell.

OBVIOUSLY, i know i don’t want my dogs peeing in the house. 5 dogs. No enzyme cleaners allowed. I am rarely in the family room. The dogs are crated when i am not home or it is night time. they were having occasional accidents before, but the old carpet showed me it was wet and i cleaned it up right away. NOW- i can’t see it.

Want others with this brand carpet to tell me their experiences.

Have you tried a black light to detect the stains?

Don’t panic when you first use it, because it lights up for all of the stray fuzzies on the rug too, but it should show the big puddles very well. At least then you can find the stains quickly.

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I used it the other day wth a blanket over my head. It didn’t work with this carpet. I smelled an obvious pee spot, and then I held the blacklight over it and it didn’t show up. Something about the way this carpet is made i guess. IDK. I am so tired.

Does the carpet manufacturer have a website or customer care line? How about the place you bought it?

Whats under the carpet? Slab? Wood, either previous wood flooring or plywood sub floor??

Liquid can soak through carpet and permeate whatever is underneath. Critters can smell years of previous pee, might be why that spot was selected, and replacing the subfloor the only way to get rid of all traces. A slab will develop small cracks over time, things can soak over time.

If it starts to stink, I’d just use the enzyme neutralizer spray on a hidden spot to test, how would they even know? Warranty is worthless if you can’t clean up the stink, not worth it…

When I bought my then 20 year old place, seller had been in it for 7 years, compulsive housekeeper, hated pets, always had some kind of fragrance product. After they vacated and house sat for about 10 days, noticed a piss type stink. When carpet was pulled up to replace,dark spots in the plywood subfloor were revealed…and easy to confirm it was source of stink as well as determine it was vintage dog piss. Replaced those sections of sub floor.


The smell is from the pad underneath. Household carpet cleaner machines using just soap & water would be removing the urine from the carpet itself but not from the backing and more importantly, not from the rug pad underneath. You could literally wear out and destroy a piece of carpet and still never touch what is actually stinking: Padding and/or flooring underneath.

There are pads that are designed to resist or repel becoming urine-soaked. Waht pad did the installers use? My advice is to either call the warranty co. / carpet manufacturer and ask what your options are. Or, quietly call up your carpet installer and get that section of pad replaced with something pet resistant and have the flooring underneath treated and sealed.
Or, since this is just one room, forget about the warranty, get a marinade injector, and inject into the pad or at least underneath carpet in a grid of about 5" squared. Per what I said here:

Or, forget carpet in that area and install some washable hard-surface flooring and confine the dogs to that room only.

The pad is the same type as the carpet- made for this- it is Stainmaster Pet Protect Pad under the carpeting. We bought it all together to make sure this would be a great solution. i have spoken to a rep. She told me all i can use is soap and water, and that is all. she was not very helpful. i tried emailing them and never got a reply.

CARPET DOES NOT STINK WHEN I CLEAN IT UP. Carpet stinks when i am unaware that dogs have gone there. The problem i am having is, dogs will continue to go there since i cannot use enzymes to remove the scent with just soap and water.

other problem is- i don’t know that the dogs have gone there right away. That is bc of the way the carpet is designed.

IIRC, the Pet Protect carpet pad is a closed cell pad that is impermeable to liquids so the urine does not leak through to the sub floor. I also thought the carpet was designed to allow all cleaning products, even bleach but I may be mistaken.

Frankly, I think you need to go back to square one in house training. Do not rely on the dogs to use the doggy door. Use baby gates or something to block their access to the carpeted area unless supervised. Crate them at night and when you are gone. Take them outside and make sure they go, especially on rainy days.

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I have 5 dogs and a dog door in the family room. I have 4 levels of house. I cannot do what you are suggesting. They need access to the doggy door which is in the same room as the floor they had peed on. The dogs do fine most of the time, it is the smell(to dogs, not to humans) in the carpet that is going to continue to encourage them to use the carpet. NO, this carpet does not allow you to use ANY carpet cleaners, and WHY wuold anyone use bleach on a carpet? that would ruin the color.

Well I guess you are just SOL. You can’t use a cleaner that will totally eliminate the odor and you can’t/won’t properly house train your dogs. So I guess you’re stuck with smelly carpet.

On the bleach thing, I thought I had seen somewhere that the fabric in the Pet Protect carpet was colorfast even with bleach. But apparently I was mistaken.

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Who said i won’t properly train my dogs? They are mostly house trained. They had one accident that turned into more bc i cannot use enzymes. I was asking if anyone else here had this carpet. And their experiences. since you don’t, please leave the discussion.

Hydrogen peroxide breaks down to water. The volatile part of rubbing alcohol evaporates and leaves water behind. Neither leaves behind an odor of its own like enzymes do. Water looks pretty much like water.

Ok, but i am not allowed to use anything on the carpet except soap and water. i want to make sure i don’t ‘ruin’ the carpet. i know it was made differently and i don’t know what products will harm it, or damage it.

What about something like this ? https://www.bissell.com.au/products/…E/product.aspx contains enzymes and scotchguard so as long as it doesn’t alter the carpets appearance no one will ever know and it will still be stain proof. Maybe test on a sample prior to use.

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You’ve got one hell of a problem OP. The only solution I see is trying enzymes which will void the warranty…but what good is the warranty if the carpet stinks, or replace it with something like luxury vinyl planks.

The third option is to crate the dogs and have them under constant supervision. They’re really not completely housebroken if they’re going in the house.

I had an old cocker who missed occasionally in the hall (I put pee pads down for her if I was going to be gone for more than a couple of hours). None of my dogs ever peed on that spot. I managed to keep the smell down with enzyme cleaner, after she died, we pulled the carpet up and replaced the subfloor.

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Then what are you looking for? People are giving you options but you say you can’t use anything else …so what answer is it you are looking? I’m so confused

This thread is 7 years old.