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Stallion owners and breeders: when are breeding decisions finished?

Here’s a question for stallion owners and breeders. I usually aim my print magazine, Warmblood Stallions of North America, to reach breeders in early January. I have had a request from a couple of stallion owners and one of our participating registries to extend the deadline - even if it means the magazine would come out in late January or February. What do you think? Stallion owners: would this work for you? Breeders: when are you looking at possible stallions and when are you “done” with breeding decisions? I posted this question on Facebook too, but I’d like to hear what you guys think.

For me, I often start breeding in mid-February, so any later than January for a stallion ad is a no-go for me. Even in the years when I start breeding a little later my decisions are made NO LATER than January, as I want to be able to take advantage of early booking discounts, stallion auctions, etc. I would still enjoy the publication, but it wouldn’t help me make any breeding decisions for that breeding season. In fact, I’m already working on breeding decisions for next year, and I know I’m not the only one!

I work a minimum of a year in advance knowing full well I have the option of changing my mind right up until I actually pay the stud fee! Actually to tell you the truth, I tentatively start working 2 or even 3 years ahead, and ideas, thoughts, observations change as I observe the elite mare, foal and stallions auctions and 2-year-old stallion licensing and 70-day testing/approvals. I am always studying and observing constantly.

So, for example, I started working on my long-list for 2014 breeding basically as soon I finished paying for 2013. Thus, I have spent all spring and summer editing my long-list, and then plan on getting down to the nitty-gritty and bare tacks to whittle that to a short-list beginning around August-September sometime and make final decisions at any point between August to April and then start breeding shortly thereafter. From a Mare Owner perspective, I look at stallion adverts all year long, but I want to know about the “next year’s” stud fees and discounts by early fall.

As a stallion owner, I’d like to be able to use the results from the test and the photos in an ad in the magazine. As a mare owner, I would like to be able to see the most current information on all stallions, which would hopefully include the 70/30 day results, especially since the magazine does such a nice job including the results.

As a mare owner, I start thinking of the next year’s breeding decisions as soon as I finish breeding the current year, so the extra month or so wait won’t make much difference. :slight_smile:

That’s really helpful feedback - thanks everyone! It looks, from this and the Facebook responses, like the more experienced mare owners are looking all the time, but that their minds are mostly made up by the end of January. For stallion owners, then, the magazine should come out in late December/early January. Stallion owners also want late deadlines! That’s the huge challenge for a magazine, but that’s my goal then for this year. :slight_smile:

Yes Anna, extend the deadline til February but come out in December :slight_smile:

Yes Anna, extend the deadline til February but come out in December :)[/QUOTE] :lol:

:lol: I think you’ve nailed exactly what stallion owners want!

Yes Anna, extend the deadline til February but come out in December :)[/QUOTE]

I have usually made my breeding decisions by the end of December. Mid January at the latest.