Looking at a standardbred 5-year old mare this week at a nearby kill pen. Green on riding but drives well. Gorgeous mover, kind eye, a little thin. Had my vet look at her
video and he didn’t see anything amiss. The fellas that does the videos is pretty good about pointing out owies, tender feet, lost shoes, heat or swelling in legs, cloudy eyes,
etc. Trainer and driving friends took a look too. She;s a little younger than I’d hoped for, but seemed to have her act together. Hopefully, tomorrow I can learn more about
her background. No tattoo.
Anyone have experience with the breed? Pros? Cons? Ironically, my first horse came from Shipsewana auction and was thought to be a former Amish buggy horse who
spooked at one too many stop signs. Green under saddle. Had the opportunity after owning him for four years and the gentleman who drove him said he probably had much
more time in harness than under saddle. At the time, I’d had no interest in driving. He hung around until he was 30 but I’d still not gotten the driving bug.