Standing desks, slant foams & other equipment

My calves are constantly tight, which causes my restless leg syndrome to act up and creates discomfort at night and during the day.

I currently have a standing desk and was looking into a slant foam pad to get a nice stretch in during the day while working.

Has anyone ever used one? Did you like it?
Is there anything else you have tried that helps you stretch while at work?

I also use a standing desk, and stand on a Dynadisc - stretches the calves and ankles, and also, the unstable surface keeps my joints moving.

Johnnysauntie, you would know best, but a static position isn’t good for the back, whether it’s static sitting or static standing. True, you can shift your weight and move your legs about at the standing desk, but I find I can do that, too, when sitting.

I have a chair that allows you to kneel and keep your hip joint open

Can you include a link to the chair? Thanks!

If you google Ergonomic Kneeling. Chair, you will find many versions. I use a folding, wooden version for about $80