Starting to ride after a back fusion

I had a successful back surgery 4 months ago…It was L4 and L5with rods, screws and a cage. I have been recovering very well. I did a 3 month evaluation with the surgeon, with xrays and all looks good. He said I could start slowly riding at 4 months. I have been on once, just walking. I don’t want to be stupid about it , so I am willing to give myself more time, but I am not getting any younger and neither is my horse. Has anyone starting riding this soon after this surgery? How was your timeline before you could really ride?

I don’t know, Nadia, I haven’t done that (yet) but wanted to send you a congratulations on a successful surgery and a high five for your great attitude!! Keep it going!! Soft hugs & wishing you pain free days & more riding!

Wow that seems fast. When I was considering a two level fusion of my neck I was told I shouldn’t do any at risk activities until it fully fused at about one year. They said sure you can ride starting at six months but you can’t fall off for a year. Tell that to the flight animal I’m sitting on.

I have since decided on disc replacements rather than fusion but I don’t know the timeframe I have to stay off the horses yet.

They made me wait a year just for disc removal. But that was 11 years ago.

Only you know how you feel and the horse you are on. But I know the feeling of not being able to wait, so I’m no person to go to.

I had a severe herniation and after 4 months of no riding I just couldn’t wait any more. Honestly, on a horse is when I don’t hurt. Fingers crossed. :smiley:

In 2011, i had the same surgery. I was told six months before I could get back on a horse, provided I made bone and fused. Unfortunately, I never have been able to. So very glad your surgery was successful and I wish you many years of pain free riding.

Thanks all…My horse is 18 yrs old, and I have had him since he was 4. He is very light and swingy to ride, but his trot is big. The surgeon said compression of the cage is a concern. Falling of would not be good, but that has only happened twice since I have had him, so I am fairly confident about that part. I feel that I have been given a great chance to finally be “normal” after 30 years of back problems and I don’t want to blow it, but riding is my life!

I agree, it seems kind of soon to me. I am fused from T1 thru L4 with rods and screws and I am not even supposed to BE riding…but I started again 9 years after the surgery. All of my doctors know and they all shake their heads…but I figure I have had back problems my whole life, and it kept be from doing a lot of things. Im almost 60 years old now so its now or never. I know my limits…I know when Ive had enough. If I kill myself, at least I’ll die happy.

One of the thoughts I had was getting one of those eventing vests that fill up with air if you fall off. I didn’t want to risk falling off and becoming paralyzed. I ran this idea past my orthopedist, and he said it was a great idea. His brother is a pre-eminent steeplechase jockey and trainer and has put many an equestrian back together.

I am fused T3 to L4. I don’t have a cage, but I do have rods, screws, and hooks, plus a bone graft backing up all the hardware. My surgeon released me to return to riding on the flat at 3 months and jumping at 6 months. It was strongly suggested that I avoid falling off prior to the 6 month mark. :slight_smile:

My surgeon mostly worked on top-level race car drivers, so I suspect he was more forward with “return to play” than others might be.

I’m fused T2-L1… 10 years post op. Rods, a dozen screws through the vertibrae…
I was told no riding for a year. Period. By my surgeon. That lasted… under 3 months.
I was back riding 3 gaits on my could be stinker gelding by about month 5, and spent the summer (so 6 months on) putting ground work in on 2 and 3 year old colts)

I am so glad to see that others are as non-compliant as I am. I was a critical care RN for 32 years and I know better! My DH is a physician and he just looks at me, shaking his head. However, with that said, the one thing I would not risk was riding before the bone had fused. I was not about to go through that agony again. Hence the vest idea was my way of hedging the bet. Sadly, all for naught.

I had a fusion (L4-L5) about 10 years ago and I was allowed to start back riding after the 3 month check-up. I quickly discovered that I had lost all core strength and I double bounced at the posting trot like a rank beginner. I had a very reliable horse so was not really concerned about a fall. One thing you may want to consider - my fusion was the end result of having removed bone spurs which caused my spine to shift by about 1/4 inch (had to remove the bone spurs because of very painful sciatica). My doctor told me that, if I returned to the same repetitive motion that caused the bone spurs (i.e. sitting the trot and canter), the torque from the movement would have to go somewhere (above and below the fusion) and would be
magnified. And the result would be developing more problems down the road, possibly leading to another fusion. At that point I decided that, while dressage had been my passion for many years, it was time to find other ways to enjoy my horse (I did a lot of trail riding and all my schooling at the posting trot and 2 point canter). Unfortunately, after a few years my knees also began to give out and I am now “prematurely” retired from riding (stopped at age 66). Hope this info helps and that you have better long term results!

I have a good friend who had the same surgery as yours 2 yrs. ago. She started riding (trail rider) after 3 mos. with no problems.

I’ve had neck surgery twice in the last 3 yrs. The last one was major, and my surgeon told me I could ride 3 mos. after the surgery. :eek: Actually he knew that wasn’t really going to happen because I was partially paralyzed, but he was serious. Said the same thing the 1st Dr. told me, “just don’t fall off.” :rolleyes:

I DID IT! W/T/C… it felt great, and mounting and dismounting felt good, also…I have gotten so much stronger just in the last 2 weeks. The ride was only about 10 minutes, after my friend rode him, so don’t worry about me over doing it…I plan to take my time, but doing it will motivate me to keep working hard on my rehab. Thanks for your responses…

Anyone have a L5-S1 fusion?

Nadia how is the riding going so far? Are u just doing the basic wtc or have you limited yourself to just walk trot? Which fusion procedure did you end up having?

I am doing well, thank you. I have been doing walk ,trot and canter, well jog and lope. My little hanoverian is doing very well as a therapy horse. My PT really does want me to trot, so more walk and canter. I had L4-5 fused and because of severe stenosis the surgeon had to cut the back half of a vertebrae out. I still have nerve damage in my legs, which is slowly getting stronger, but may never come back all the way.

Congratulations Nadia I’m right behind you. I had a cervical disc replacement at c5c6 last Friday and my surgeon has said I can ride (or fall off as needed) in 2-3 months. :slight_smile:

Of course with a disc replacement I’m not waiting for anything to fuse. I competed my mare the Friday before surgery and I’m looking forward to getting back on when it feels right and I’m cleared.

Best of luck on your continued recovery.

Thank you! I am glad you had a good surgery and feeling good about riding soon. Time flies when you are having fun…I am at 5 months now and doing well, although I have pain between my shoulder blades and have stopped riding for a bit. I am working with the PT, so I have slowed down with everything for now. Good luck

I hope your PT gets you back in the saddle again when you are ready. We all have to listen to our bodies.