Staying sane with a broken ankle

I posted on here yesterday about how I had my first fall yesterday (bucked off a cantering horse) and ended up with a broken tibia/stretched ligaments in my ankle. While the pain is definitely a downer what really sucks is it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet and I’m going stir crazy! I can’t do anything but lay with my foot elevated until Friday when I have surgery for three screws to be put in. Then a 6-8 week recovery in a cast after that. Tips for staying sane please?! I just want to be back at the barn haha

Maybe follow a rider on you tube? Take care of yourself!

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Lots of Netflix. Sleep. Read.

I broke my tib-fib in three places last year and had plates and screws put in. I had to wait 10 days for the surgery and it was the worst 10 days of my life. Once you’re in the cast, you will be more mobile and, more importantly, will be healing.

When you are a couple of weeks out from the surgery, have someone drive you to the barn to visit your friends–both equine and human. That made me feel so much better when I could finally do it.

My advice is to listen to the doctors–don’t try to be a hero and get back on before they clear you. You need this to heal and heal well if you want to keep riding.

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Time to pick up a new hobby! read some good books, netflix. That’s how my browband making started-got injured and needed something to do!

Bummer. I had an accident in January where I broke my left ankle, my left collarbone and my right knee. The recovery time was boring and I ended up in a wheelchair for about 6 weeks. What kept me sane? Binging on Netflix, visits to the barn, crafts, working and, as i started to get better, Physical Therapy.

I will say that ankles take a long time to recover. I still have some swelling if I overuse it or if it’s hot out. I am still doing PT. Riding has been a bit tricky for two reasons: 1) dismounting the first few times was challenging! I started by riding a smaller horse than mine because I the drop to the ground worried me. I can get my mare to stand next to a large tree stump, so I don’t have such a long way to the ground and that helps. 2) My ankle still hurts after long rides. I’m building up strength.

I started riding again three months after my breaks, but it was the knee that needed the most recovery time so maybe you’ll be on sooner. Just remember not to push yourself and find a good physical therapist. Good luck!