As you approach a line how do you mentally and physically prepare for the line? What is your checklist? Rhythm, where do you look, like if you were to describe each step how would you? How do you count?
Before I’ve turned towards the line, I have established the appropriate canter based on how I expect the line to ride. Turning to the first jump, I focus on maintaining that canter, keeping my rhythm and staying straight (generally with some outside aids to keep the shoulder from popping out). I do make sure that the two jumps are aligned as I turn, but that’s more in the back of my mind and is a natural reaction developed over time.
Over the first jump, I’m already thinking about how the rest of the line will ride based on how we jumped in. I give the horse the freedom to land and then make any adjustments necessary so I can make any changes early and relax for the last couple of strides in the line. Depending on the horse, I might reinforce the outside aids to keep straight so that we take off square to the second jump.
Factors vary depending on the horse, the particular jumps (spooky/wide over, etc., will all change the way the line rides), what comes after the line (do I need to set up for a combination or a tight turn? If turning tightly immediately after, I will try to come in with enough canter that I can shorten in the second half of the line to prepare for the turn, etc ). It will also vary depending on rider experience since someone new to jumping might need to just focus on getting to the center of both jumps without the added thoughts about striding or setting the horse up.
Overall for me, it’s getting the right canter well before you’re at the line, maintaining it as well as straightness, and getting any necessary changes done in the first half of the line, if possible, so you’re not holding or kicking at the take-off to the second jump.
Is there something in particular that you’re struggling with?
That’s a great post.
Yes that’s a good response. Thanks.
Took a break from jumping and on a great horse but noticed in lines I’m very lost on him. Single fences, bending lines are all good and amazing.
He changes rhythm very easily and it’s easily disguised because he is so big. I am counting. He is very straight. He seems to be sensitive to where I look so I’d like more advice on that. He gets flat in a line so I think I “nit pick” and cause issues so I’m trying to get as many tips as possible, exercises, things to think of, similar experiences.
When you say you get lost, do you mean you’re having trouble finding the striding to the second jump? Do you typically get there too close, too far away, add a stride every time?
I turn into the line and look past the last fence. The fences I see in my peripheral vision; I’m looking at the space after the last jump.
Keep it simple: look where you are going. The horse will follow your eyes.
A good way to work on this is to use ground pole lines to practice getting a feel for where you are when you are doing your flatwork. If you don’t know how to set one for yourself, ask your trainer to show you and how many strides it should be (typically it will ride like you are doing the add not the number).
How consistent is the horse? Can you put one hand in the mane and just leg up or sink down in the line without touching the reins? That’s helped me a lot as I tend to unconsciously nitpick in the last 2-3 strides. I’ve used this method to be able to get out of the tack, and just sink when I need to shorten a bit, or kick up when I need to lengthen, but not touch the reins to have any confusing signals, but have some sort of steering if needed.
Also, grid work where you’ve got a bounce to a 2 or 3 stride can help too. This works great bc you’re hands-off for the entry… and then you have a limited amount of time to make adjustments, so you learn to rely more off of leg than hand.
I was going to suggest this, too. I would also try adding a step and taking a step out.
This (ground poles). If you want to learn the correct pace, set you poles about 4-5’ short of the line you will be riding. For a 72’ line, set them at about 68’. Do NOT add and subtract, not until the correct one is ingrained in you and your horse. Your pace should be exactly the same, around the short side, through the poles, around the next short side. I repeat, DO.NOT.CHANGE. Find the canter that lets you do that. Added benefit, your horse learns to hold his lead. Nothing says amateur like slow into the line, and a big lengthen in the line.
All of this assumes you are asking for hunters where the same pace around the course makes your horse happy and confident and hence gives you the blue.
Everything that’s been said is good and valid.
I’m on a different page though, I think the discomfort is coming from you not being used to/trusting/familiar with the horse yet.
Throw one jump up in a ring and jump it, by itself a million ways. Doesn’t have to be more than 18". You need to find what the horse likes and how you can manifest it. Horse is comfy to a jump, you will become trusting. Don’t do a line before you can do a single reliably on the correct distance FOR THE PACE AND APPROACH that you choose.
Good Luck,
I had a trainer who made us count like a metronome in a line. She wanted us to make sure that we were set up for the second jump relaxing into the last three strides. For example, if the line was a six, we would count one, two, three while making any changes we needed, and then the four, five, six, were definitive strides where we stayed the same.
Personally, I find that counting one, two, one, two, when I have my canter helps me find my distances. I usually count like that until I find my three, two, one, to the fence. Keeping my rhythm consistent and not losing pace in the corners has really helped.
I do not see a distance approaching the first jump 50% of the time, last jump is almost always wrong. I get too close to first one, and have to move up out of the line.
I do not get that on a bending line. It’s very natural for me.
The only other time I get a smidge off outside of a line is jumping the slight downhill of arena. He is a long guy and in the line he feels so flat and I do think it creates a distraction.
Looking is a thing on him. The last horse I had you look at the jump until you are there. I’m thinking this one needs a higher eye level. But I’m not sure why or how exactly.
As far as the looking, before the turn, I am looking at the second jump. I stay out until the first jump is almost lined up with the second. Making the turn lines them up. It is very unusual to have a lot of difficulty with the second fence. The second jump is almost a gimme. The first jump tells you what do do with the second. Did you jump in fine? Keep your canter the same and do nothing. The second jump is there. Did you have a little chip at the first? Add a little more leg and continue up the line. A big chip? If your horse is capable of getting to the second, send him on his way with each stride. Did you move up out of the turn and land after the first with too much canter? Sit and settle, sit and settle.
It sounds like you are way over thinking the second jump.
The QUALITY of the Canter.
Straightness, Rhythm, Balance, Impulsion.
If you get too close to the in of the line half of the time, something is wrong with your pace and track in the corner. Work on improving the first jump, and then it sounds like the second jump will come along.
With a longer horse, you might need to start your turn earlier and have less bend in order to keep the pace to the center of the first jump and jump it straight. If you wait out in the corner too long, you may overshoot your track. If you try to correct that with more bend, you may be taking away the impulsion by asking the horse to be a little too hollow for his body type in the canter he needs on course.