I recently had my rising 6 year-old gelding evaluated for an ongoing period of NQR. He flexed fine; the specialist narrowed it down to his right stifle, and x ray imaging revealed a small amount of remodeling and a flatter tibial head than what one normally sees. Ultrasound found fluid/signs of inflammation but no tears or anything crazy, thank goodness.
We opted to inject this joint since conservative therapy (weeks of rest with some pain management) have failed to help it resolve. The issue seems conformation related, although it’s possible he hurt himself goofing off and may be more prone to stifle problems in general due to how the joint is built.
He’s been doing nothing but w/t/c in the arena with some easy trail rides. Is/was intended to be a low level all arounder (no jumping) and archery mount.
We are going to slowly bring him back into work to ascertain the effectiveness of this injection. I am also considering Adequan and maybe some sort of feed through support in the future? Horse is turned out 24/7 and I already plan to be meticulous with warm up/cool down in the future, if I can get him sound.
I’m curious it anyone here has dealt with something similar and what ended up working for you? TIA!