I’ve written at length about my horse and the cards he’s been dealt (crappy stifles and mild kissing spine.) Mostly because I’m neurotic about him, curious if any one has ever seen it present like this.
He has “sticky” stifles, in that he’s never fully locked up. But my trainer noted that during a few steps of reinback today, she could definitely see the stifle trying to stick behind. This makes sense to me because we do backing in hand for strength but he tends to want to drag both feet when backing instead of really picking them up. And sometimes he acts hesitant for a minute like it needs to unstick first.
He’s going well and work and he’s also on Estrone. He hasn’t been slipping behind (fat tire feel) like he can if he’s really weak. There is improvement. I mostly just curious because I’m told to back him in hand for strength but sometimes I wonder about that… I always hear that it can help them unstick but with him and almost seems like the opposite.
Thoughts welcome! This is more for my curiosity than anything.