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"Stink kittens"

So this is what I saw at work today. Yes, that’s a box of 6 baby skunks!

The story is the night watchman saw them in the bushes last night but thought the mother was in the process of moving them.
Well, this morning they were still around but now were creeping around on the sidewalk. At this point it was decided to corral them and take them to a local wildlife rehab center. They all made it there safe and sound.

( And I have no idea why someone put marshmallows in the box. They were ignored)


:heart_eyes:Sooooo Key-OOT!
Mama Stink may have become roadkill :sleepy:
At least the kits will get a chance to grow up.

I had a family in my barn several years ago.
Mom & 3 kits.
They lived under the pallets I stack hay on.
Mom never sprayed inside, but sometimes a faint miasma would float in the air for a bit.
If I caught them out when I did my 10P barncheck, Mom would toddle back under the pallets, kits trailing behind. No hurry on their part.
Once I tried shooing the babies after her with a broom.
The little stinkers had the nerve to turn & stamp at me :smirk:
They were too young to have ammunition to back up the threat, but funny to see they knew The Drill.
Stamp First.
Then turn & spray!


They are so cute!! I used to want one and have it de-scented when I was little. Now I’ll settle on pictures.

Glad they made it to the rehabber. Hopefully they’ll have good lives. :slight_smile:

I was not expecting this level of cuteness!! (Or Kitness!) :pleading_face: :pleading_face:



I do believe it is rumored that adult skunks like marshmallows, that is probably why someone chucked some in.

They are so darling! I used to want a pet skunk when I was little.
I’m glad these babies have been given a safe landing.

The LePew family.
And they are all named Pepe!


Super cute!!

I am glad they are being well looked after.

PS. why does your office have marshmellows?

Lol! I don’t work in an office, it’s a research facility and the marshmallows are for the very spoiled monkeys that are there.
But I suppose it would be fun to make s’mores in an office setting!

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Back in the early 70s pet skunks were the thing. My ex HAD to have one and coincidentally there was a skunk breeder in Bradenton, FL, where we lived. We ended up with a neutered and descented chocolate and white male kit we named Willie (after Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory) for the total of $75, which since minimal wage was $1 a hour took us a while to save up. He was so cute…until he grew up. He slept all day and ran in his wheel all night.

Ex and I split up, not because of Willie, and he gave him to his mom who lived in a singlewide trailer. Willie promptly found the air conditioner floor grates and crawled into the ductwork. When they finally got him out he ended up at ex-BIL’s house whose wife “accidentally” let Willie out. He survived outside for quite a while, I understand, and was seen with other skunks in the neighborhood.

Willie could really bite when he was angry and we had a heck of a time getting him a rabies shot as I remember. He still stomped his feet and swung his back end around. And he still stunk. But he was cute! Unfortunately lost all the pictures a long time ago, sorry.

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Baby skunks are so adorable. And very soft.
Glad you guys were able to get them to rehabbers.

Wow! I was today years old when I learned skunks come in colors other than black and white.

Thanks, DakotaTA for clueing me into this fact and making me spend way too much time googling pics of multi-colored skunks, lol!


Those are CUTE! So glad they made it to the rehab center.

I’ve heard they make good pets, but require a lot of socializing. My sister in law rescued a kit once - she wanted to keep it, but it was illegal in our state at the time, and she couldn’t find a vet that would neuter and de-scent it. She ended up letting him go.

They were legal to keep as pets in PA when I lived there, but you had to purchase from a licensed breeder, and you received your own license to keep the skunk from the breeder as part of the purchase price. They were being bred in all sorts of crazy colors like blues and blondes, and I really wanted one, but none of the local small animal vets I contacted would agree to treating them as they were considered a rabies vector, even when kept and bred domestically for multiple generations.

I couldn’t imagine keeping an animal that no vet would treat, so regretfully I had to pass.

I have always wanted one as a pet, but I was turned off by the fact that if they get outside they have no homing instinct and wander off and get lost. At least my cats know where to find the front door if they get outside… Except for Caspian who hid behind the bushes because he got scared, and screamed at me to come rescue him when I finally went outside looking for him.