Stirrup suggestions: Leg pain at previous injury site

Hi … I’m looking for any suggestions or experiences with leg pain near an old injury site when in my jump saddle. A little background: back in 2011 I had a bad fall resulting in a really nasty break of my left tibia/fibula. Had surgery the day after the fall to repair the break with two plates and quite a few pins. I went through about 3 months of recovery including PT and was able to return to riding later that fall. Every since then, I’ve had intermittent pain in that leg, typically after a long day on my feet (or when a thunderstorm rolls in

It’s not clear what the current issue is. The stirrup/at your ankle? The stirrup leather/at your shin? Or something else?

Any luck with different boot types?

Sorry - the pain is above the ankle at the site of the previous injury (first four inches or so above the ankle bone). I am guessing that some of the issue comes from riding with a shorter stirrup as I don’t have the same issue when riding with a long stirrup in my dressage saddle. I had experienced pain in the leg when I initially started jumping again, but strengthening and stretching the ankle and changing my stirrup irons to the MDCs pretty much fixed the problem for a few years. It’s recently come back so I’m not sure if there is something else out there (either exercises or a tack change) that I can try before checking in with my doc.

To solve my ankle pan from several breaks, Are use a stirrup a pad that is angled. The higher side of the angled stirrup pad goes towards the horse. I ride in a fairly long stirrup and I’m not sure if this would help you, but the stirrup pads are not very expensive and might be worth an experiment.

Maybe also the hinged stirrups? The may dissipate some of the pressure. Or maybe that’s what MDCs are.
Hoping you get some relief!

Thank you for the suggestions! I completely forgot that angled stirrup pads existed. My MDC’s are hinged, but they are fairly stiff and don’t give nearly as much as some other brands do. I may play with that and see if having more “give” helps. Thanks again!

Hope you find something that helps

You know what I had both my hips done(my left one done twice), and I went to Makebe Stirrups made in Italy. They have a wider foot base and are slightly inclined. I had tried jointed stirrups and a few other “high end” stirrups and none really worked to assist me in my brokeness. Those stirrups were AMAZING.