Stirrups and Leathers

I have a new horse (yay!) so need to buy some new stuff. There’s a thread on the eventingforum about stirrups, can we have the dressage version here? I definitely want safety stirrups, think I want on the heavy side, and I’m intrigued by the angled footbeds. I have such a hard time keeping my feet even level and wonder if the angle would help.

Same for leathers … do people like the stability leathers? Anything else out there that is interesting?

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I’ve been riding in SafeStyle irons for a long time. The flexible rubber branch they now come with is a good upgrade. They are definitely a heavier iron, and have a rotated eye, so they hang correctly. I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much I like my aluminum Acavallo safety stirrups though. I bought them mainly to have a safety stirrup on my jumping saddle, but I’m thinking I might try them on my dressage saddle, as I really like the medium weight and the cheese grater tread.

I think leathers kind of depend on your saddle. I don’t usually have an issue with feeling a lump from the buckle, but a saddle I had a while back, I absolutely had to use Webber style leathers if I didn’t want to hobble around with bruises on the inside of my thighs. I want to get a pair of the stability leathers for jumping, but I’m not sure that they would make a big difference for dressage.

COTH Rule #1: New horse = photo required. Please? :grin:


There is always the classic double offset Fillis stirrup with angled footpad

Available on Ebay for $29

Or try everyone’s favorite, Amazon


I had and liked the MDC S stirrups and like you wanted to move to safety stirrups. I went with the Flex-On Safe-On stirrups - and am happy with them. I find an angled top (45 or 90 degrees) makes a big difference to my knees.

I’ve tried the stability leathers and think they make a slight difference but not enough for me to be committed to them. Basically you have more friction between them and the saddle because of the increased surface area so you a little less movement. They’re worth a try to see if you like them but don’t expect miracles.

You likely already know this, but USEF dressage rules say the safety stirrups must have a closed branch, so some models like the Free Jumps are out if you plan to show rated. I have Free Jumps on my jumping saddle and likely would have bought another pair if I could show in them.

Here are the examples from Annex A of what’s allowed/not allowed under the current rules.

Congrats on the new horse!!
I have a fairly recent post in the HJ area of the forum ( Adult Eq-Appropriate Stirrups to Reduce Knee/Ankle Pain ) but will copy some info over to here.

I am an adult beginner (started riding summer 2019) with some chronic knee/hip/ankle pain. I tried a few different things and have settled on the combo of Total Saddle Fit wide stability leathers and Tech Venice Sloped safety stirrups. I only do flatwork (I don’t know that one can even call it dressage lol) and a couple odd cross-rails here and there.

I am by no means a good rider but I really struggle most with keeping my legs steady/stable. Up until last October I rode a schoolie who needed a LOT of reminders to keep moving forward - so my muscle memory comes from basically the only horse I’ve ever ridden (other than catching the odd ride here and there on other schoolies or friends horses). I now ride a super well broke mare who was an all-round western show horse for her entire life before coming to me. She is very sensitive to all my aids and I have to concentrate a LOT on keeping my legs quiet because I can do nearly everything I need via my seat. These irons and leathers help me stay (mostly) quietly in position. The combo works very well for me!

Although I’m not terribly concerned with looks, I don’t think they look too out of place with my dressage saddle:

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I’ve used the Samshield Shield-up stirrups for several years. At this point, they’re only available from European and British stores, and when I ordered them, I had no trouble with fulfillment.

They’re medium weight and have a cheese-grater footbed.

I also use the stability leathers. They provide a tad more stability, and I’ve found that they’re less likely to pinch (if you ever ride without tall boots or half chaps). It’s not a massive change, though in terms of stability. They have lasted well and if you need to get new stirrup leathers anyway, they’re a good option.


I’ve ridden with these for 20 years or more. I like them better than all the other styles I’ve tried. Regular heavy-weight stirrups and single layer leathers (T tab buckle at the bottom) is my choice. If you do drop a stirrup, you don’t have some stupid light weight or off balance or poking out stirrup flying around.

And yes, they work as advertised. If you fly off and your foot gets stuck in the stirrup, the whole stirrup pops off the leather.

The only issue is stocking. They can be hard to find. I’ve only replaced mine once, but when I’ve recommended to other people, it’s been a challenge sometimes to find them in stock in North America.

I use 5.25" Stubben irons in the winter to accommodate my big winter boots. In the summer i switch to 4.75 Composite lightweights.

OK. I’ll hijack the thread per your request Fiesta! Just brought her home yesterday.


Love my stability leathers! I have the TSF ones because a few years ago I traded a body clip for them hahha.

I’ve heard good things about the Tech Venice stirrups but haven’t actually gotten around to buying any yet. Good to see a positive review here!

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She’s gorgeous! :heart_eyes: Lucky girls. You’re going to have so much fun together.


The irons are fairly heavy (the multiple times a week I don’t run them up properly and the bang against my knee while I carry my saddle to/from the tack room can attest to their heft!) but I find their ‘substantial’ nature helps keep me in position in the saddle.


Thanks all! I think I’m going to try the tech Venice ones. Adams has them 20% off for Memorial Day.

Not great pics but what I have so far. :blush: He needs some muscling up but he’s got a super brain and just earned someone their silver medal. Looking forward to all he can teach me!


Ooh! Pico, we could do a pas de deux when I get some more meat on my horse’s bones!


My other two horses are both chestnuts, so it’s so weird having a dark bay! I feel like with him I might be able to break my “only white saddle pads” rule. :slight_smile:

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To help enable your purchase, I have the Tech Venice stirrups and love them. I’ve had them a year and they still look new. I have the stability leathers. I think they look nice and they never pinch. Not sure if they help my leg be more stable but I’m a fan. Congrats on the new pony!

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Please do describe your shirt and your vest!!

I’ve long ridden in a size 5 stirrup (gifted to me) that I’m not likely to get stuck in. They are jointed stirrups which I LOVE. I recently changed out my pink stirrup pads for cheese graters and I love the grip. The jointed stirrups don’t force your foot and leg into a position. They accommodate your position. IME.

I somewhat recently purchased a new-to-me saddle. I purchased Kieffer stirrup leathers that are half-inch to figure out my leg over several fittings and I love them. They are the first set of stirrup leathers that seem to rub away under my leg so ask me the future how much I love them.

I live in Saskatchewan and this image was taken in the dead of winter so they are both fully about warmth!

I have multiples of the top. It is so soft and warm and cozy:[color]=BLKGRY

The vest is a super old down-filled vest that I picked up at costco maybe? Neither are equestrian brands, obviously, but they are in regular rotation for my fall/winter/spring wardrobe for barn time and anything outdoors.

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