This is from Debi Metcalfe, personally: is currently offering the following FREE services on our NEW website!
*Free listings currently for people who are searching for history on equines worldwide
*Free listings currently to people outside of the USA or Canada for stolen horses, stolen trailers and stolen tack
Why are we doing the free listings? We need to have these features tested to see if the site is running correctly. People who list their horses will serve as Beta testers on the site and will report any problems they encounter as they create their listing. They will also give us feedback on what they like and don’t like about the listing procedure. For their participation in helping us make our process the best experience it can be we are awarding them the free listing.
We do not know how long this will last. It could be days or weeks. Act fast to get your free listing.
For those interested please contact us at and put “Beta Tester- Free Listing” in the subject line.
Thank you in advance to all who respond.
Debi Metcalfe, President
Stolen Horse International/