Please help my daughter find her two boys…


Please help my daughter find her stolen horses.


Please help my daughter find her stolen horses.

Do you have more info you can post here…? The myspace page doesn’t have the info up front…

Be gone spammer troll.


are you serious???
the crazy train has left the station…again!!!

Wow…so mods, you deleting anytime soon? How ridiculous is this.

If you scroll down on the page we have more pictures of the horses and also their coggins. Thank you. We will be posting more pictures. Thank you for responding.

Lol!! How’s that for persistence!!!:lol:

I’m sorry; i don’t see the humor in my daughter losing her horses. If this was your little girl you may not find it so funny.
I still don’t understand these vicious attacks.

I understand this is your click… I will give you what you want and go away. Accept for the ones who are involved in my stolen horses. That will never go away. I guess I have touched some nerves… I was just trying to have some extra eyes looking for Frenchie and Wess.

Have you contacted Netposse? And post in Missing Horses here? What are the circumstances? (Sorry, MySpace is such a nightmare to navigate it’s hard to find the details beyond their pictures/Coggins. It’s like Facebook’s trashy younger sibling, not going to get huge traffic there.)