I’ve got a horse who is pooping in a water bucket. She routinely poops along all the stall walls, so I don’t think it’s her “sitting” on the bucket. Moving the bucket from it’s location horizontally is not an option due to barn layout and watering options. Vertically could be a possibility, though there is a limitation with the stall front bars.
I was thinking of putting something pointy a little ways off the the bucket to make having her butt there not so convenient, but I need something that isn’t going to poke her eye out. Stiff push broom head? Plastic pointies (what, though… garden edging?)?
Any other ideas? This barn will not dump buckets for any reason (they just fill on top of the poop, so nice to have to dump a full bucket of poop-water), so I need her to quit doing this before I end up with an impaction colic, and would like to nip it before it becomes too ingrained. I want to not have to go to the barn, at least on the two days the barn kids pick stalls.
I’m also trying to get her to stop being such a blithering slob by leaving some poop along the one desired wall. Any other ideas on teaching stud piles as well?
Thanks in advance, I appreciate it.