Just curious how banamine should be stored best to keep it from going bad - I’ve always kept mine in the fridge at the barn I board but we are bringing our horses home in march and I don’t have a fridge in the feed room where I’m going to be keeping all the other medical supplies - would it be okay to leave in the feed room it has ac?
The Banamine brand label says
" Store at or below 25°C (77°F) Do not Freeze."
I keep mine in the house so it does not get too hot, but have never refrigerated it. Have not had any issues.
At our barn it’s stored in med cabinet in the laundry room. It’s heated in winter at about 50F, but no AC in the summer. So basically at room temp most of the year. Most fridge’s are mid 30s so I wouldn’t store mine in there.
At my boarding barn, I keep mine in a cooler to limit the temperature swings. If I kept my horse at home I would keep it in the house at room temperature.
I keep mine in the house in the cubboard (so also away from sunlight!)
Thank you for your responses! They were very helpful