Not really space-saving if that’s what you’re going for…but in a dressing room/tack room at a multi-day show it works well, especially for barns sharing space.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Soaponarope;8400124]That could be a very cool thing and pretty affordable! Thanks for sharing it.
We currently use a big garment bag. It’s actually from Miller’s! Does Millers even exist anymore? Anyways, it’s huge, plaid, and we monogrammed it so no one could walk off with it. (That’s a big rule as well; monogram or label everything you can.) Everyone on our show team is told to bring a stall hanger thing to hang their stuff in the tack stall. We tend not to leave stuff at the hotel because we need different things for different classes and you never know when something might get destroyed.
I would always contain everything and make it a rule for yourself that you put it back in the garment bag or wherever you are keeping it. That way less things get lost or end up in someone else’s possession.[/QUOTE]
Thanks lachelle, Soaponarope and others for the tips. I do like the zippered closet idea for in the dressing room.
Does anyone have a vertical trunk like this one from McGuinn or an alternative? They are large and expensive, but seem like they would last forever. My hesitation is that it is so large, it would be difficult to transport on my own - so I would have to send it on the trailer and store at the barn.