Story of backing a youngster done by a 60 year old AA

Really, really lovely. She looks so happy and calm in her work! She is super nice - love her trot.

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This is a lovely thread. Great to see your kind and gentle approach is paying off. Patience is important with young horses and seems few people have it.

Just by her pedigree, I can tell you got the best of Sezuan and Donnerhall. Both highly regarded for rideability. This mare shows it in spades.

For others starting horses: no matter how kind you are, you may never get a horse this calm and smart. Sitting on it may take weeks to get the horse quiet enough to accept the weight. So always be aware of the horse you have, not the horse you wish you had.

One suggestion that some starting young horses some might wish to use: teaching flexions and chewing the bit from the ground. This leads to a better connection. Chewing the bit comes from lifting the bit so it works on the lips of the horse and not the bars of the mouth. Treats may help coax the horse to reach forward. Never pull down on the bars of the horse’s mouth which causes pain and is force, not acceptance. For horses that are stiffer it is especially important to teach them to chew the bit. A relaxed jaw is a relaxed horse.

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