I have a mare who naturally, on her own, or in the round pen without me on top, tends to move like a spazzy ferret-giraffe, more or less. The faster she moves, the quicker steps she takes, and the more her head comes and she gets nervous. She’s always been like that, since she was a late two-year old. Now she’ll be five in May.
Through trying to ride her well, I think I have helped her. She is not ewe-necked, and the muscling isn’t even thicker on the underside of her neck. I study the Vaquero tradition and do my best to ride well and stay out of her way. I’ve tried to ride her correctly, and she is building a topline.
However, the problem under saddle is stumping me. To the left, she does fairly well. She’ll roll into a canter quite easily, and she’ll move out pretty well with minimal aiding from me.
But to the right it’s a different story. For almost a year, I had a saddle that finally proved to not fit at all. She wouldn’t canter either to the left, and was pinning her ears when I’d dismount. Then, a week ago, I got a new saddle that seems to fit fairly well. It’s a hair wide, but it’s a wade and I’ve paired it with a CorrecTor pad to shim the bar angle. The bars slightly are too wide at the base.
Anyway, to the right when I got this saddle last week she cantered a few times. That was great! I rode her six times in a row to test the saddle. That might have been a bit much, but I’ve watched as in the last couple days her canter has gotten worse to the right again. Today it was really hard to get her to move straight at all to the right, and she kept wanting to curl to the right and go in the middle – something she’s done for several months now. I did get her to canter in the right lead a few times, but at one point I pushed a little too hard and got a crowhop. That’s never happened before.
Numerous people have said the saddle looks like it fits pretty well, if not a tad wide. I’m going to have the chiro out. I also know I tend to sit a little too much to my right. An impressions pad test revealed that I sit so that I create a pressure point on the left side. So, that is probably it!! Or part of it.
Sorry for all the info. I’m just trying to get it out there to see where I should start for fixing things.
I do take video lessons with my mentor in Nevada, and I have been riding for almost 20 years (although I know that doesn’t meant I don’t have issues).
My current plan is to keep the wade saddle (I have two weeks left to test it before I lose my money), give her a few days off, and call the equine chiropractor.
Thanks for staying with me! Hope this all made sense.