You know how you get an email when someone posts on a thread you’ve posted on? For the past several days I’ve been getting 8 or more emails from the Political Thread on Off Topic Forum. The first time I got them, I thought they were new posts and Off Topic was reopened. Nope. Closed. But for over a week I’m getting emails every day. Lots of them. Is this happenind to anyone else?
Someone may be liking posts within the thread
I woke up to 25 notifications this morning. 2 were bad and the rest were good.
I woke up to 25 notifications this morning. 2 were bad and the rest were good.[/QUOTE]
I got 45…most of them bad tho…
I’ve been getting email notifications where the posts are a couple of weeks old… and notifications of private messages also, weeks old. weird.
and I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing all the “hacky” type threads? like about movies being available online for free, etc?
I’ve been getting those for 2-3 weeks now, from old threads like the Hurricane thread. They aren’t thumbs up/down notifications, but the regular ole ones you get to threads you’ve posted in/subscribed to when someone posts to it.
I figured it was just some kind of weird cyber “catch-up” being played by COTH software.
I got an email saying I had private messages, but, when I came and checked, there was nothing. They were all pm’s from weeks ago. It must be some kind of bug.
e-mails or notifications? I get repeat notificatiins from one of my posts, again and again and again. Weird, or do some people have nothing to do?
I’ve been getting tons of repeat notifications, too.
I feel left out, not getting any of that.
Someone ought to notify the Moderators, so they can sick their cyberdogs on that gremlin.
I’ve been getting email notifications of PMs that were sent over a month ago. I figured it was a glitch in the system?
I’m only getting notifications when I post on a thread, but not to ones that I’m subscribed too. Sometimes though, I will get a notification that someone has posted on a subscribed thread but that post is months old.
I just figured it was part of the glitches of the new format.
I’ve had some emails resent to me through the system as well – the tech crew are aware of the issue and are looking into it.
We’re sorry for the confusion!
Mod 1
Yup - I’ve been getting lots of e-mailed posts from all sorts of different threads from back in October.