Strengthening exercises for L1 compression fracture

Coming back into riding after a long break off, and I know my problem is going to be not only my lack of physical fitness, but also my old L1 compression fracture. I have no core strength in my back, and although the fracture happened in 2010 and I have ridden extensively since then, I am coming back from a good time off, so I know I will be pretty weak, especially in that lower area.

Looking for good exercises to help strengthen my core - not really interested/able to go to a chiropractor or massage therapist at this point, so although I appreciate those thoughts, it’s not feasible at this time.

Check out Janet dulak Pilates for riders.

I had a L1 compression fx in March. Riding again by July, but my core is still weak and while I’m medically “healed”, I still have pain/soreness if I overdo it at all. My tolerance level is so much lower than it used to be.

I’m having good luck with yoga and pilates classes. Straight ab exercises bother my back, but those seem to be okay. I’ve also taken some TRX classes at my gym that have been hard, but good. I’m still on the hunt for the right combination of things though. Thought I’d be done with the pain by now, but it seems like I find something new that bothers it every month…