Student with sore/tender crotch, HELP!

Assos brand chamois creme is my favorite (can get it at many cycling shops) along those lines. Seems to handle sweaty conditions the best. Also suggest experimenting with saddle fit and apparel. Not sure exactly what the problem is, but sometimes more padding isn’t always better because it can squish and keep you from supporting yourself with more appropriate bony structures (sit bones). It also doesn’t really solve the problem if the issue is the saddle is making the rider sit more on the pubic bone instead or if the width of seat and/or twist is wrong. As an example, a racing style bicycle seat that properly supports the sit bones (firm) is much more comfortable for a long ride than a squishy saddle that distributes pressure elsewhere. While in a horse saddle our thighs take up some weight as well, the principle of fit shouldn’t be forgotten when it comes to the seat.

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Sorry, extremely childish, but “Assos brand…” Snort!

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Blame the Swiss for that one.

As sad as this may sound, I hope it is saddle fit. I’m having the same issue with my Bruno saddle and have had enough and decided to put it up for sale. I have an Antares rep coming out and hope to find something that fits me and my ponies better.

When I look at pictures of myself riding, it looks like I’m really forward in my saddle but it doesnt feel or look like my crotch is hitting the pommel or anything. But I had a show the past weekend and was riding for over 2hrs throughout the day and the saddle acutally made me bleed. And I was crying when I had to pee. It was the last straw!

Maybe its the same issue with your student? Perhaps try a different saddle to see if it helps? I think it would be a pain to use creams or to remember to wear jelly pants all the time. I’ve never in my past 30 years of riding have this issue so I’m kinda hoping for me its the saddle.

Not a big deal (although it was.): Get a box of panty liners for heavy flow days. Turn the flat /sticky part sid sideways and use the thickest part on the top and use the bottom (stickey) part under the underpants.
Is that intelligible? Hopefully. It has helped me a lot,

And a sigh of relief for me…I tried a different saddle last night with no soreness or issues. So for me it was the saddle for sure. Maybe it is the same for your student as well…


Just from the title alone, my first thought was that you need to read the Inverness thread. Luckily, someone has provided it for you.

It may be the opposite! I have a 17.5" and its too big. Riding in a 16" was way better for me.

I had that issue for years and it is definitely saddle fit for me. My butt is very picky about saddles, some people’s are not. I have wide seat bones and need a wide seat otherwise my seat bones slide down the side of the seat and my crotch has too much pommel contact.