Student with sore/tender crotch, HELP!

i have an adult student with a condition which is causing major, painful issues for her. Heat and friction contribute to worsening of symptoms, so of course riding isn’t helpful. we have found a fleece saddle cover for her, and she is going to try “ jellypants”, but we need some suggestions. She is an aspiring dressage rider, and this is putting the brakes on her practice time.

By jellypants, I assume you mean something like bicycling shorts with the padded crotch? Because that was going to be my recommendation.

I didn’t have quite the same issue, but I had some chafing. I’ve found that men’s jockey shorts/boxer briefs serve me far better than any women’s undies I’ve tried.

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Make sure the twist of her saddle is the correct width/shape for her, ie: that she’s supporting most of her weight on her seat bones and not her ‘lady bits’. Ow.

Powder gel (chafing gel), liberally applied can be a life saver.

Find underwear that has no seams or edges in the crotch. I like slip-shorts, FtL and Jockey make them, probably other mfgs as well.


Check her saddle fit and position.

I’ve been riding in a borrowed saddle on a borrowed horse. Until we got the saddle properly shimmed for the horse, I sometimes felt my crotch brush the pommel. Also if I tip forward or arch my back I can sometimes feel that.

It isn’t painful but I’ve never had a pommel come anywhere near my crotch before only read about it.

Lateral imbalance will cause a rider to tip forward too, whether it’s horse or saddle or rider who is uneven.

Get her sitting back and in to saddle, let her post, make sure stirrups aren’t too long as well.


Check out bicyclists’ Chamois cream" There are several brands.

I use the Chamois Butt’r and it works. I usually end up biking at least 20 miles a day in the summer and sometimes more. I am aiming to do a 100miler.

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Having a real issue with ample bust and hot weather riding, think this would help prevent those problems?

Where is the Inverness thread? That needs to be a sticky. Also Anti Monkey Butt. That stuff is great.


Synthetic fabric underwear with no seams, Body Glide and/or Anti Monkey Butt powder are all wonderful things.

I have this exact issue and use a product called Body Glide, popular with runners. It really works!


This may or may not be relevant as it may not pertain to the exact issue your student is having, but make sure her breeches or whatever bottoms she is riding in aren’t part of the problem. I have one pair of Ariat breeches in a very technical fabric without a lot of stretch - rode in them a few times without issues but then one lesson got rubbed raw right at the top of my inner thigh just below the groin. I think the lack of stretch in the fabric was a contributing factor as the breeches kind of got folded up in the crease. No bueno.


That happened to me in one particular saddle. I would try to contort myself so the front wouldn’t hit me, nothing worked. Which was bad for my riding, the lessons. I did try different underwear. It did not happen in other saddles.

Thank you all! Will pass along the suggestions!

Here is a link to the Inverness problem thread.


I got this problem in spades when I “grew” out of my old Neidersuss 16.3/4 inch saddle. I’d recommend a larger, possibly flatter seated saddle. That worked for me…

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I have this problem, and swear by Hoo Ha Ride Glide. I put a little on before I ride and the problem is SO much better!

I have crotch pain issues with the saddle my pony is currently in. The seat is deeper than is comfortable for my body, and the pommel is not only high but it extends quite far back towards the seat “pocket”. It isn’t the “undercarriage” that gets injured in this saddle, it is actually the front of my FUPA, and it is so bad in this saddle that it leaves dark painful bruises after just 20 minutes of walking. :frowning:

I have never had this issue in any other saddle I have ridden in, even ones that have been a bit smaller than ideal, but then I also exclusively ride in flat/open seats because I despise deep seats to begin with. My preferred seat is an open/flat 17.5 but i have been quite happy in a flat 17 too.

Seat savers and such don’t help with the offending saddle. Different breeches/underwear or using bodyglide doesn’t make a difference either. It is the saddle itself. So I simply don’t use it. I’m currently riding in a thick western pad strapped on with a long leather strap with a buckle on one end while I wait for my custom Frank Baines to get made because I can ride comfortably and be lighter in my seat in the pad than I can in the horribly painful saddle (despite the saddle fitting pony nicely).

Get Jellypantz!!! I have this exact issue and good lord is it ever painful!! Many years ago I broke my hip and pelvis and my pelvis didn’t heal properly so my anatomy is a little wonky. I have a slightly difficult to fit horse and my saddle is perfect for him, so a new saddle to fit me better isn’t in the cards.

I was routinely rubbed RAW!! I tried different breeches, seamless and padded underwear, powder, body glide…and finally found a thread on here about Jellypantz. They have been a lifesaver! They are weird to get used to wearing but once I got used to them, I will never ride without them!

I had yet another birthday yesterday, have made the 3 score years, and working on the and ten.

There are days I believe I have grown up, then I read this and know that it’s never going to happen…Hoo Ha Ride Glide :lol:

BUT I no longer u
laugh at Monkey Butt powder, that stuff is life changing.

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