subforums not visible on iPad

When I visit the main forum page on my iPad I can only see everything under “Discussion Forums”. “Announcements”, “Off Topic”, “Technical Assistance”, “Chronicle Forums Marketplace” and “Archive” are all gone. I can get to them via the “Discussion Forums” tab at the bottom right.

When I’m on my computer, I can see all the sub forums. Just wondering if its supposed to be like this on an iPad or if this is a glitch. I am going to the exact same URL on both my iPad and computer.

On my iPad as we speak and I can see everything.

You logged in on your iPad?

I just noticed that when I went on with my phone. Same thing, but when I went back with the back button I could see off topic from when I was there last. Weird since it has been working all day until now.

On my Ipad and I can see all forums.

Is it possible you clicked on/visited “Discussion Forums?” instead of the Forums home page?

I’m logged in on my iPad and iPhone, too. I get to the forums by doing a google search for “COTH forums” with COTH spelled out. Then I click the “Chronicle Forums” link. On my computer, I just go to the forum URL in my browser.

Its really no big deal. I can get used to using the forum differently. I was more curious to see if I’m the only one with this issue. I am using an 1st gen iPad mini and an iPhone 6, if that makes any difference.