Subluxation of Patella

I officially hate reverse lunges. Stepped back in one on my right leg, must have stepped a little too much to the left. Loud pop and immediate pain.

Pain subsided fairly quickly (don’t get me wrong knee is still sore). Range of motion still ok. Some very minor swelling to almost unnoticeable.

Dammit! I just signed up for a ride at a Jeremy Steinberg Clinic in a little over a month and am riding in a demo at the Midwest Horse Fair.

I’m planning on seeing how it feels/looks in the morning and at the very least calling our (certified) contracted nurse for work (which I’ll have to do anyway once I return to work). Also planning on calling in for tomorrow at least (and probably borrowing crutches).

I have a BOT knee brace that it seems I will finally get some consistent use out of (yay?) and am currently icing it (plus ibprofen). I hyperextended this knee back in 2000/2001 slipping in mud (trying to catch a horse) and it blew up like a softball.

Anyone else do this? How long before you were OK’d to get back on a horse? I’m thinking stirrupless work for a while after a giving it some time off.